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Diff for "DaemonAdmin/Portal"

Differences between revisions 1 and 15 (spanning 14 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2007-12-04 22:48:21
Size: 3352
Editor: MichaelOlson
Comment: Initial contents, copied from DomTool/Building
Revision 15 as of 2014-02-21 19:09:19
Size: 3512
Editor: ClintonEbadi
Comment: Updating for navajos installation of the portal
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[TableOfContents()]] ## page was renamed from Portal/Building
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= Prerequisites = The HCoop portal runs https://members.hcoop.net and https://join.hcoop.net, generates the [[http://hcoop.net/who|member directory]], and manages the vmail user database.
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== Compilers == = Build Requirements =
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To compile the standalone DomTool tools, you will need the [http://mlton.org/ MLton] [http://www.standardml.org/ Standard ML] compiler. It's available as Debian package "mlton". The version in Debian testing works fine, but the stable version is too old, so grab the Debian stable version of the latest release from [http://mlton.org/Download the MLton download page]. The portal requires [[http://git.hcoop.net/?p=hcoop/mlt.git;a=summary|mlt]] (an html templating system for smlnj) and [[http://git.hcoop.net/?p=hcoop/smlsql.git;a=summary|smlsql]] (postgresql bindings for smlnj). They are managed in the standard hcoop git repositories.
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To use DomTool from an interactive SML REPL session, you will need a recent version of [http://www.smlnj.org/ Standard ML of New Jersey]. The SML/NJ packages in non-experimental Debian are so old that I don't bother using them, opting to install SML/NJ manually following the directions on the SML/NJ web site. Chances are you can get by just fine without support for interactive REPL use and can skip installing SML/NJ if you don't want it for some other purpose. The portal build utilities stored in and installed to `~hcoop/portal-tools/...`
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Why am I referencing two different compilers here? Well, developing with SML/NJ and building release binaries with MLton is standard practice in the SML world. SML/NJ supports separate compilation and interactive use, which are very helpful during development. MLton is a whole-program optimizing compiler that produces extremely efficient binaries, at the cost of much greater compile-time time and memory usage than SML/NJ.  * `.../src`: checkouts of mlt and smlsql (portal build file references smlsql from here)
 * `.../etc`: location of default `mlt.conf`, `hcoop.header`, `hcoop.footer`
 * `.../bin`: `mlt` and `hcoop_header` binaries
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== Libraries == mlt and smlsql licensed under the LGPL version 2.1 or any later version.
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You will need the OpenSSL C library with development files, available in Debian package "libssl-dev". = Source =
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== Utilities == The portal source lives in module `portal` of [[http://git.hcoop.net/?p=hcoop/portal.git;a=summary|our git server]]. The main check-out is in `/afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/portal`.
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If you plan to run a server (dispatcher or slave), you'll need rsync, which is available in Debian package "rsync". ''The portal licensing is currently unclear'' (but should soon be properly freely licensed -- ClintonEbadi <<DateTime(2014-02-21T15:09:17-0400)>>)
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= Getting the source code = = Building =
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You can obtain the approximately-latest version of the DomTool source code from [http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=99567 SourceForge anonymous CVS]. The module name is `portal`. I write "approximately" because it can take about a day for the latest changes to propagate from developer CVS to anonymous CVS. I'll duplicate the directions from that Source``Forge help page and tell you that you can check out this module by running:
{{{cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@hcoop.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/hcoop login
cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@hcoop.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/hcoop co -P portal}}}
Run `become_hcoop` before modifying files in the main check-out or running any git commands that would modify it.
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Just press enter when prompted for a password. There are small CGI wrappers which just run compiled binaries in `~hcoop/portal/out/`. `mlt.conf` contains CGI publish path (modify this to suit your system if building locally). These wrappers are generated automatically by `mlt`.
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If you have been granted write permission to the repository and plan to commit code changes, then you'll want to check the repo out from developer CVS, like so:
{{{export CVS_RSH=ssh
cvs -z3 -d:ext:developername@hcoop.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/hcoop co -P portal}}}
To recompile and publish, enter the portal source directory and run `~hcoop/portal-tools/bin/mlt`:
Line 33: Line 31:
= Building the standalone tools = {{{
cd ~/portal
Line 35: Line 37:
First, change to the `portal` directory that you have checked out and run{{{
# something for adamc to fill out}}}
`header.mlt` and `footer.mlt` are built from assorted other files. Running `make` in a check-out directory should build them. See the Makefile for how they're built. Note that `make` '''won't''' publish changes that you make onto the real web sites; you must use `mlt` for that.
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== Reinstalling the standalone tools == Needed files for building:
 * hcoop_header is the one line script `cat /etc/hcoop.header | sed "s/TITLE/$1/g"`
 * hcoop_footer is the one line script `cat /etc/hcoop.footer`
 * You need /etc/hcoop.header and /etc/hcoop.footer, which are
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/hcoop.css" />
Line 40: Line 49:
If you want to reinstall the portal on machines that are running it already, then it is best to use a slightly modified set of instructions. <div class="main">
Line 42: Line 51:
= Building for SML/NJ = <div class="title">
<img class="globe" src="/globe.gif" />
Line 44: Line 56:
After following the same procedure as above for `config.sml`, run{{{
make smlnj}}}
<div class="break"></div>}}}{{{
Line 47: Line 59:
followed by{{{
make install}}}
Line 50: Line 62:
as root. Now you should be able to run `sml` in the base `domtool2` directory and run `CM.make "src/domtool.cm";`. If you don't see any error messages, then the DomTool modules are loaded and you can start poking them. For instance, running `open Main;` should print information on the primary entry-points. == Application Within the Portal ==

There are some subdirectories of `portal` that contain different web apps, like `app` (the source for join.hcoop.net). '''You must run `mlt` separately in any of these directories to publish changes in it'''. These include:

 * `app/` The Join script
 * `contact/` Appears to be unused (does not build)
 * `listaddrs/` '''Unknown'''
 * `mailman/` '''Unknown'''
 * `passgen/` Password reset tool
 * `remind/` Low balance reminder
 * `static/` Public member directory
 * `vmailpasswd` Vmail password changing

= Adding Machine =

To support user requests for a machine, insert a `WebNode` into the database. The Debian version should be the release name (e.g. "squeeze").

INSERT INTO WebNode (id, name, descr, debian)
        VALUES ((select max(id)+1 from WebNode), $HOST, $DESCRIPTION, $DEBIANVERSION);


The HCoop portal runs https://members.hcoop.net and https://join.hcoop.net, generates the member directory, and manages the vmail user database.

1. Build Requirements

The portal requires mlt (an html templating system for smlnj) and smlsql (postgresql bindings for smlnj). They are managed in the standard hcoop git repositories.

The portal build utilities stored in and installed to ~hcoop/portal-tools/...

  • .../src: checkouts of mlt and smlsql (portal build file references smlsql from here)

  • .../etc: location of default mlt.conf, hcoop.header, hcoop.footer

  • .../bin: mlt and hcoop_header binaries

mlt and smlsql licensed under the LGPL version 2.1 or any later version.

2. Source

The portal source lives in module portal of our git server. The main check-out is in /afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/portal.

The portal licensing is currently unclear (but should soon be properly freely licensed -- ClintonEbadi 2014-02-21 19:09:17)

3. Building

Run become_hcoop before modifying files in the main check-out or running any git commands that would modify it.

There are small CGI wrappers which just run compiled binaries in ~hcoop/portal/out/. mlt.conf contains CGI publish path (modify this to suit your system if building locally). These wrappers are generated automatically by mlt.

To recompile and publish, enter the portal source directory and run ~hcoop/portal-tools/bin/mlt:

cd ~/portal

header.mlt and footer.mlt are built from assorted other files. Running make in a check-out directory should build them. See the Makefile for how they're built. Note that make won't publish changes that you make onto the real web sites; you must use mlt for that.

Needed files for building:

  • hcoop_header is the one line script cat /etc/hcoop.header | sed "s/TITLE/$1/g"

  • hcoop_footer is the one line script cat /etc/hcoop.footer

  • You need /etc/hcoop.header and /etc/hcoop.footer, which are
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/hcoop.css" />
    <div class="main">
    <div class="title">
    <img class="globe" src="/globe.gif" />
    <div class="break"></div>

3.1. Application Within the Portal

There are some subdirectories of portal that contain different web apps, like app (the source for join.hcoop.net). You must run mlt separately in any of these directories to publish changes in it. These include:

  • app/ The Join script

  • contact/ Appears to be unused (does not build)

  • listaddrs/ Unknown

  • mailman/ Unknown

  • passgen/ Password reset tool

  • remind/ Low balance reminder

  • static/ Public member directory

  • vmailpasswd Vmail password changing

4. Adding Machine

To support user requests for a machine, insert a WebNode into the database. The Debian version should be the release name (e.g. "squeeze").

INSERT INTO WebNode (id, name, descr, debian)
        VALUES ((select max(id)+1 from WebNode), $HOST, $DESCRIPTION, $DEBIANVERSION);


DaemonAdmin/Portal (last edited 2018-12-01 22:19:39 by ClintonEbadi)