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DavorOcelic, HCOOP Inc. system administrator and Board of Directors member.

1. System administrator position

AdamChlipala is primarily taking care of the HCOOP Wiki, Members portal and DomainTool (along with all the services configured through it). He also created most of the new accounts.

The areas that I cover include the installation, firewall, database, quota, limit, kernel, logging and security system. There's probably more I could do in each of those areas, but I'm generally satisfied with the level we've achieved. I also take part in the usual Request Ticket resolution.

2. Board of Directors position (2006)

My year 2005 platform was pretty brief. Namely, one year ago

Today, things are looking different. We have

Consequently, I think you are not as generally familiar with me as the older members were a year ago. Therefore, I feel I should include a brief summary of who I am, and what are my plans for HCOOP in 2006.

My name is Davor Ocelic, I am a Computer Science graduate (specializing in hardware logic and systems), and live in Croatia (timezone GMT+1, with even a few pictures available at [http://colt.projectgamma.com/tmp/op/]).

I am actively involved in Free Software. My ongoing work includes proof-reading and arranged official co-autorship for [http://debiansystem.info/books The Debian System] book (see also [http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1593270690/ Amazon.com entry]), position in the [http://www.icdevgroup.org/ Interchange Development Group], and of course HCOOP activities. For a more complete list of my technology-related activities, see my personal website at [http://colt.projectgamma.com/].

I am also the person who likes catching on interesting ideas, difficult problems or innovative approaches. As the older members would tell you (I hope ;-) ), your anything-HCoop e-mail is never unwelcome in my inbox.

Since years ago when I turned 20 or 21, I've lost the feeling of what my "free time" actually is. Anyway, it's probably standard to include a phrase "In my free time, I..." somewhere in introduction, so I'll follow the suit. In my free time, I play tennis, listen to smooth music ([http://www.di.fm/] and [http://www.last.fm/] being my cream sources), educate myself in areas of human mind, body and physique, and do body building (trying to balance between the "classic" and Pete Sisco's approach). This is what I try to give attention to, anything else that comes unplanned is just as welcome.

What I am planning to do in the next one year's time, is:

I also think I should give you a word on the nature of the Board of Directors position. HCoop is democratic in its roots. Even though we all (or I myself, at least) perceive Adam Chlipala as "The HCoop founder", you must clearly understand that Adam is not almighty, especially since we became a legal and officially recognized group in all aspects (HCOOP, Inc.). The power is held within the member base, and ultimately within the Board of Directors (read our HcoopBylaws page).

The Board of Directors (BoD) position has a few specifics:

For the above, it is important that you pay close attention to the Board being a "good balance of skills, geographic locations, and personalities" (as NathanKennedy nicely put it). And there is another part of Nathan's sentence that I liked very much as well:

"I hope you will re-elect the three current members of the board (Adam Chlipala, Nathan Kennedy, and Davor Ocelic). I believe that together we can continue to bring the membership together to create a service that gets better all the time.

Thank you!


3. Board of Directors position (2005)

I would like to thank everyone who voted for me on our first BoD HCOOP elections (see ["Election2005"]).

Close to what I initially predicted, our first year was marked mostly by advances in the system setup. On a parallel front, NathanKennedy was working on issues related to our legal status (see [http://hcoop.net/board/]).

Few members-related issues did pop up, but nothing that would require the Board to meet outside of the scheduled meetings.