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Revision 16 as of 2012-12-30 20:26:42

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DomTool / Installation

In this document, $HOST is equivalent to $(hostname) (i.e. the first part of the fqdn).

1. Deploying an Update

Push all changes to the release branch, and tag as release_${isodate} (e.g. release_20121022 for October 22nd, 2012). If you make multiple releases in a day append -N starting with 1.

Running the deploy-domtool script will then pull, build, and install domtool sitewide.

To deploy on an individual host, use the deploy-domtool-on-host script.

2. New Machine

Ensure these Debian packages are installed: mlton libssl-dev libpcre3-dev rsync (our AutomatedSystemInstall does this for you)

Create /afs/hcoop.net/common/domtool/build/$HOST

Clone the domtool2 repository and checkout release:

cd /afs/hcoop.net/common/domtool/build/$HOST
git clone /afs/hcoop.net/user/h/hc/hcoop/.hcoop-git/domtool2.git domtool2
cd domtool2
git checkout release

If a slave (the usual setup):

You will also need to create various work directories, although the preseed for the particular install should handle that.

The first time DomTool is deployed to a host, it should be done manually using deploy-domtool-on-host --slave --bootstrap to install the proper sysvinit files.

3. etc.

(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/domtool-mode")
(require 'domtool-mode-startup)

sudo mkdir /var/domtool
sudo chown domtool.domtool /var/domtool

sudo groupadd bind_config

sudo touch /var/log/domtool.log
sudo chown domtool.domtool /var/log/domtool.log

sudo /etc/init.d/domtool-slave start

sudo insserv domtool-slave

CategorySystemAdministration CategoryNeedsWork