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This page is for the election of the second Board of Directors of HCOOP, Inc. Nominations shall be done in our usual wiki style. Voting shall be done through the HCOOP portal. You may see last year's election results at Election2005 or summarized on the BoardOfDirectors website.

This election is governed by articles 3 and 4 of our HcoopBylaws. All current members in good standing may vote for three candidates to replace the outgoing board, whose term expires on April 4, 2006.

Please list candidates to nominate below. You may nominate any current HCOOP members, including yourself. Please list candidate names alphabetically by last name, and list your own name as the nominator.

Nominations may continue until March 31, 2006, 11:59 PM UTC. Voting on all candidates who have accepted their nominations shall begin on April 4, 2006 at midnight UTC and continue for one week through April 11, 2006 at midnight UTC.

Please note that this is a minor procedural change from last year. The voting period is the same, beginning and ending exactly one year later, but unless anyone has reasonable objections, nominations will be closed at the end of March, in order to prevent last-minute nominees from being left off of the ballot.

1. Nominations

  1. AdamChlipala. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  2. NathanKennedy. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  3. DavorOcelic. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

2. Candidate Acceptances

Nominees who accept their nominations must place their name here, along with any statement or links that they wish to make.

2.1. Adam Chlipala

I'm the founder, current president and treasurer, and author of most of our portal and custom administration software. I'd be glad to continue help keep this ship on course. :-)

2.2. Nathan Kennedy

I have served as secretary of the board for the past year. I am pleased that the past year has seen the membership of the co-op almost double through word-of-mouth alone. I have put a good deal of work into legal and administrative issues, such as incorporating, drafting bylaws, registering with the IRS in order to get a corporate bank account, and filing for tax-exempt status. This last application is still ongoing, and since it will probably be a while before the IRS finishes processing our application, the more pressing issue to resolve before April 15 is what our tax obligations for the present year are, including filing a tax return if need be.

Beyond this dull but necessary work, I have a few goals for HCOOP:

I hope you will re-elect the three current members of the board. Adam, Davor, and myself are a good balance of skills, geographic locations, and personalities. I believe that together we can continue to bring the membership together to create a service that gets better all the time.

2.3. Davor Ocelic

As usual, please visit my DavorOcelic user page. Thank you.


Election2006 (last edited 2012-12-20 03:03:42 by RobinTempleton)