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This page is for the election of the sixth Board of Directors of HCoop, Inc. Nominations shall be done in our usual wiki style. Voting shall be done through the HCoop portal. You may see last year's election results at Election2009 or summarized on the BoardOfDirectors website.

This election is governed by articles 3 and 4 of our HcoopBylaws. All current members in good standing may vote for three candidates to replace the three outgoing boardmembers in classes 1 and 3, whose terms expires on April 11, 2010. These seats are currently occupied by Adam Chlipala, Nathan Kennedy and Clinton Ebadi. Frank Bynum and Davor Ocelic, in board class 2, have one year remaining on their terms.

Please list candidates to nominate below. You may nominate any current HCoop members, including yourself. Please list candidate names alphabetically by last name, and list your own name as the nominator.

Nominations may continue until March 31, 2010, 11:59 PM UTC. Voting on all candidates who have accepted their nominations shall begin on April 4, 2010 at midnight UTC and continue for one week through April 11, 2010 at midnight UTC.

1. Nominations

  1. AdamChlipala, Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  2. RichardDarst, Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  3. ClintonEbadi, Nominated by AdamChlipala.

  4. BrianTempleton, Nominated by ClintonEbadi.

2. Candidate Acceptances

Nominees who accept their nominations must place their name here, along with any statement or links that they wish to make.

  1. ClintonEbadi. See statement on my user page.

  2. AdamChlipala. I'm one of the founders of the informal precursor to HCoop in 2002, and I'm the only one of those folks who's been in a volunteer position since 2003 or so. I'm also the current president and treasurer. Based on the increased busy-ness of my schedule, I've been trying to spin down my HCoop commitments, starting with the role of custom software developer that I've filled from the start until roughly the last few months. I'm interested in staying on the board for another term to help provide some institutional memory to new people taking over some of my old roles, which I hope will all be transferred to others within the next year or so. The one-sentence summary of my outside-HCoop situation is that I do research (and am starting with some entrepreneurship) in programming languages and computer theorem-proving; more on my research web site.

  3. BrianTempleton. See statement on my user page.

  4. RichardDarst, see statement on my user page.


Election2010 (last edited 2012-12-20 03:04:33 by RobinTempleton)