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This page is for HCoop history, logos, grass-roots HCoop marketing ideas, and other bits of advocacy.


Joining HCoop


Spreading the word about HCoop


Link to HCoop with the HCoop logo (LogoDiscussion) or images such as this one: [http://hcoop.net/~ntk/hcoop.png] This not only points users to our site from yours, it also increases HCoop's search engine rankings and makes it easier for people to find. HCoop's Alexa traffic rankings have gone from 4,000,000 to 900,000 in the last three months alone. If we can continue that trend we are on the right track.


Help out with our ["T-Shirt"] project. Create a design, or simply commit to buying one. If enough people do, we will make the HCoop T-shirt happen.


If appropriate, you can reference HCoop in email or web forum signatures.


We may or may not want to spend money on formal advertising for the cooperative. As an experiment I have submitted an ad to kuro5hin.org which will run for 10K exposures (out of NathanKennedy 's own pocket).


Add more ideas here!