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Diff for "HCoopAdvocacy"

Differences between revisions 1 and 85 (spanning 84 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2006-03-12 03:28:34
Size: 691
Revision 85 as of 2021-05-10 06:37:55
Size: 353
Editor: GladysWood
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== Spreading Cooperative Love ==

This page is for grass-roots HCOOP marketing ideas.

=== Websites ===
Link to HCOOP with the HCOOP logo (LogoDiscussion) or images such as this one: [http://hcoop.net/~ntk/hcoop.png]

=== Wikipedia ===
There is an HCOOP user box at WikiPedia:Template:User_hcoop

You can add it to your User page by appending the string "{{user hcoop}}".

=== T-shirt ===

Help out with our ["T-Shirt"] project. Create a design, or simply commit to buying one. If enough people do, we will make the HCOOP T-shirt happen.

=== Signatures ===
If appropriate, you can reference HCOOP in email or web forum signatures.

=== Other ===
Add more ideas here!
My name is Gladys from Zabrze doing my final year engineering in Continuing Education and Summer Sessions. I did my schooling, secured 84% and hope to find someone with same interests in Darts.<<<BR>>
Feel free to surf to my site; [[https://alennylocksmith.com/locksmith-near-me-west-palm-beach/|locksmith near me]]

My name is Gladys from Zabrze doing my final year engineering in Continuing Education and Summer Sessions. I did my schooling, secured 84% and hope to find someone with same interests in Darts.<
> <
> Feel free to surf to my site; locksmith near me

HCoopAdvocacy (last edited 2024-06-08 08:36:09 by ClintonEbadi)