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Diff for "HCoopElections"

Differences between revisions 6 and 7
Revision 6 as of 2010-04-13 23:30:13
Size: 697
Comment: add 2010 election results
Revision 7 as of 2011-04-21 17:06:34
Size: 56
Editor: mail
Comment: SEYqbQ Wow! Great tnhiikng! JK
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Information related to yearly HCoop election =

 * Board of Directors page: [[http://www.hcoop.net/board/]]

== Board members by year ==

 * 2010: AdamChlipala, DavorOcelic, FrankBynum, ClintonEbadi, RichardDarst
 * 2009: AdamChlipala, NathanKennedy, DavorOcelic, FrankBynum, ClintonEbadi
 * 2008: AdamChlipala, NathanKennedy, DavorOcelic, JustinLeitgeb, BjörnLindström
 * 2007: AdamChlipala, NathanKennedy, DavorOcelic
 * 2006: AdamChlipala, NathanKennedy, DavorOcelic
 * 2005: AdamChlipala, NathanKennedy, DavorOcelic

== Archived Election pages ==

 * [[Election2010]]
 * [[Election2009]]
 * [[Election2008]]
 * [[Election2007]]
 * [[Election2006]]
 * [[Election2005]]
SEYqbQ Wow! Great tnhiikng! JK

SEYqbQ Wow! Great tnhiikng! JK


HCoopElections (last edited 2025-03-12 15:49:34 by ClintonEbadi)