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First name of the author of the GNU Manifesto

Revision 1 as of 2008-04-26 15:40:07



All costs are in United States dollars.

1. Monthly costs

2. Yearly costs

3. Total

$9699 per year, or $808.25 per month

4. Dues amount

As of 4/26/2008, [https://members.hcoop.net/portal/pledge pledges from members] total 168 units. That leaves an even share of $4.82 of the monthly cost per member. We round that up to $5 to accumulate some money for emergency hardware replacement, expansion, etc.. This montly surplus of about $30 is probably too small for the long run. We're hoping for rapid growth of the co-op, and the board will also re-evaluate the base dues amount as necessary.