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1. Justin Leitgeb

Justin Leitgeb is an Hcoop, Inc. member since 2005. His home page is at [http://justin.phq.org/].

He is also a member of the [http://www.lexington.coop Lexington Food Coop], a Buffalo, NY based food cooperative.

2. Board 2007

By running for a HCoop Board seat in 2007, I am not looking to radically change the direction of the Cooperative which has led to growth that has been impressive by any standards. Instead I hope that by running for a seat on the board I am able to bring up a number of issues which I think would increase the sustainability of the Cooperative and decrease the environmental impact of our hosting services. I would look forward to acting on the areas below if elected in 2007. Please email me at leitgebj [ AT ] hcoop.net with suggestions or questions about this page.

2.1. Environmental Issues

NathanKennedy suggested a while ago an EnvironmentalPolicy that has not yet been adopted. This has been largely because we didn't achieve a consensus on the concrete steps that it would contain. While it seems that there is no perfect solution to this issue while continuing our hosting services, I think that most members of the group can agree that our hosting operation uses a non-trivial amount of electricity. For this reason, we should work together to reduce the environmental footprint that we leave. For this reason I would like to propose that we take the following steps as a cooperative:

Finally, I think that given the increasing importance of environmental awareness in our society, these steps towards an environmentally-friendly hosting operation are not only important ethically speaking, but that they would be a strong selling-point for future members as well. As a member of the board I would work to gather continual feedback from members about different steps we could take as a cooperative to raise awareness about the environmental effects of our operation, and to come to a consensus about what measures we can take as a cooperative to reduce our environmental footprint.

2.2. Cooperation Among Cooperatives

With our new hosting operation in Peer 1, we should have plenty of capacity for new members. I would use my position on the board to help organize a team of volunteers to contact local grocery cooperatives to see if we can offer them hosting services, perhaps with a special package that we could develop for these customers based on their needs. I think that this would help to connect us to local communities, while following the SevenPrinciples of cooperative organizations where it calls for "cooperation among cooperatives."

2.3. General Membership Drive

I suggest that we devise an advertising brochure which could be posted in local colleges universities by member volunteers. This should help us to increase our member base, especially with those in interest areas related to technology, the media, and social movements such as cooperative organizations.

2.4. Collaboration with Wifi Communities and Cooperatives

Our hosting operation, it seems, could benefit a lot of local wifi organizations. Some of these are cooperatives like HCoop, and I think that many of them would like working with the technically skilled membership that HCoop has. I would like to see us work with some of them because of the mutually-beneficial relationship that we could develop, as well as the ability for this to tie us into local communities dedicated to supporting the internet and sources of media that are democratically controlled by their users rather than large telco providers.

2.5. Membership Dues

HCoop has undoubtedly drawn lots of users because it has kept dues lower than other comparable services. We've been able to do a lot of this because of volunteer organizational and technical labor. However, up to this point we have only been charging members based on a division of the costs of hosting, and we haven't kept any money reserved for upgrades and repairs.

I think that this is a bad idea for the sustainability of the Cooperative. Not only could we get into a situation where members don't want to donate the required resources for fixes, upgrades or legal issues, thereby sinking the Cooperative, but it could also lead to a less democratic organizational structure. This could occur if we need to take a donation, and the donor puts conditions on what they donate. Instead of resorting to donations for upgrades (it should be noted that several large donations made the move to Peer 1 possible), I would rather have the cooperative able to sustain itself from (more-or-less) equal contributions from members that includes money that will be set aside to help the cooperative to grow and sustain itself. Of course, it is a common practice of cooperative organizations that if there is excess money held by the cooperative, this will be returned to members at a time and in a way that is determined by the board.

Along these lines, I would like to see a plan that doesn't charge members a different amount every month. I think that, especially with the ideas above of trying to increase membership and in terms of offering our services to other cooperatives, it just doesn't work to say, "well, this month membership is $2.00, next month it might be $2.25, etc." There is no reason we can't have a more stable rate that sits just a bit above absolute operating costs. We could always re-adjust this cost every 6 months or so to reflect current costs of operation.

2.6. Increase Board to 5 Seats (as soon as possible)

NathanKennedy mentioned this in a recent email to the list serve. I fully support this given the current size of our organization.

2.7. Technical Issues

Since 2005 when I joined HCoop I have been very impressed with the technical skills of its users as well as the improvements that have been made to the service. The educational and technical background that I have drawn from in order to help the Cooperative has included the BA that I obtained in Computer Science and work as an Operations Developer (i.e., programmer and sys admin) in a large internet advertising company with over 300 linux web and database servers. I have used this background to research things related to the new configuration at Peer 1.

At this time, however, my current interests are more along the lines of the Humanities and social movements (I am doing a PhD in Spanish Literature, previously I did my MA in Sociology, studying theory of social movements and continental philosophy). As far as technical issues in the cooperative are concerned, I am very content with deferring to those with more technical education and experience than myself, and only trying to help out once in a while when I can see something that can be fixed or tuned.

In other words, I am running for a board position that would be more related to organizational growth than to technical improvements, as this seems to be an area in which HCoop already seems to be stronger, due to its membership, than any other hosting provider. :)