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Diff for "KrunkInfoz"

Differences between revisions 3 and 6 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2007-10-27 22:20:04
Size: 613
Editor: AdamMegacz
Revision 6 as of 2008-10-09 06:23:09
Size: 1164
Editor: netblock-68-183-203-20
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Mire's ttyS0 is connected to krunk's LOM port.
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Root password is the same as the KVM (at the moment).
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== Console ==

Mire's ttyS0 is connected to krunk's LOM port.

To access Krunk's console, log in to mire and type

sudo cu -s 9600 -l /dev/ttyS0

This will give you access to Krunk's console. We have told Krunk not to respond to BREAK signals on the serial line ({{{echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/stop-a}}}), so in order to get its attention when it is stuck you must use the LOM attention sequence -- #. (return, hash mark, period). This will give you the {{{lom>}}} prompt; type {{{console}}} to go back to Krunk's console.

To exit {{{cu}}}, type ~. (return, tilde, period). You might need two tildes if you're on an ssh connection.

Note when installing debian : http://groups.google.com/group/linux.debian.bugs.dist/msg/7b05436df66934a3

Linux's "eth0" is the physical "Port B" (I put a sticker over it marked eth0). "eth1" is "Port A". Just keep this in mind.

Both disks have a small partition (part1) and a big partition (part3). The big partitions are RAID1'ed together; the small partition on the first drive is boot, the second drive is swap.

Also: http://www.openafs.org/pipermail/openafs-info/2006-November/024356.html

1. Console

Mire's ttyS0 is connected to krunk's LOM port.

To access Krunk's console, log in to mire and type

sudo cu -s 9600 -l /dev/ttyS0

This will give you access to Krunk's console. We have told Krunk not to respond to BREAK signals on the serial line (echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/stop-a), so in order to get its attention when it is stuck you must use the LOM attention sequence -- #. (return, hash mark, period). This will give you the lom> prompt; type console to go back to Krunk's console.

To exit cu, type ~. (return, tilde, period). You might need two tildes if you're on an ssh connection.

KrunkInfoz (last edited 2011-04-22 23:09:22 by ClintonEbadi)