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Revision 1 as of 2008-05-31 18:26:15



It's hard to get in touch with people on the Internet today, with all the spam filtering that goes on. Sometimes HCoop members are behind on their dues but are genuinely unaware of it, because our automated low balance reminder e-mails aren't reaching them. Presumably, these people either don't want to keep their memberships, in which case they won't mind if we nuke their services; or they are active HCoop users, and they'll notice if we take their services down. Thus, our last resort for getting ahold of delinquent members is taking down as many of their services as we can manage to do in a generic "member freeze" script. A corresponding "unfreeze" script restores everything idempotently once a member pays up.

Crucially, we want to leave alone anything that they host with us that could be important for facilitating online communication between them and us. This refers mainly to e-mail and access to the HCoop portal and Bugzilla. One consequence is that we can't reset a member's password, since passwords from our LDAP database are used for authentication to HCoop IMAP/POP, the portal, and Bugzilla.

At the same time, our job is made easier by the fact that we aren't trying to stop malicious members from continuing to use our servers without paying. We'll nuke their accounts before things get to that point. We freeze accounts whose balances are close to the point where the member will have paid less than he's been charged. We freeze accounts at least a month ahead of this point, giving members a chance to notice that their services are down and pay up before we need to boot them.

1. Things the freeze script does

1.1. Disable log-in

1.2. Remove Domtool access

1.3. Remove crontab access

For every server where we allow members cron access:

1.4. Kill lingering processes

For every server where members may run processes:

1.5. Hide Mailman lists

Figure out which lists belong to this member and temporarily block them at the Exim level? Auto-reply to post attempts suggesting that the poster complain to the delinquent member would be great!

1.6. Revoke database access

Somehow revoke permissions on MySQL and Postgres databases, in a way that can be reversed in unfreezing. This seems like low priority and can almost certainly be left out of the first version. (Though maybe it could be done easily by unmounting the member's database volume, though we want to leave his other volumes mounted.)