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MemberManual / Databases

This is the chapter of the MemberManual that describes how to use PostgreSQL and MySQL databases on HCoop servers.



Creating a MySQL user account is an easy task with dbtool. It is available for use when you login to mire.hcoop.net.

Run the following command: dbtool mysql adduser. You will be asked for a password. The user created will be the same as your log-in username.

Creating and Deleting Databases

dbtool is also used to create new MySQL databases. Replace DATABASE with your desired database name: dbtool mysql createdb DATABASE. The database created will be USER_DATABASE (where USER is your username and DATABASE is the name you provided dbtool).

Delete a database with the following: dbtool mysql dropdb DATABASE.

Changing Your Password

If you need to change your MySQL password for security purposes or you have forgotten it, you may do so with this command: dbtool mysql passwd. You will be prompted to input a new password.

Accessing Databases

For web applications, set the MySQL host/server to mysql. Default ports apply. Use your HCoop username. Your password will be required. Please safeguard it. Remember that your database is really named USER_DATABASE, where DATABASE is the name you originally gave dbtool. Follow your software package's instructions.

In addition, you can easily use the mysql shell to manipulate or analyze your databases:  mysql -p -h mysql USER_DATABASE . For security reasons, you cannot drop a database using the mysql shell.

To learn more about the MySQL shell, review the [http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/ MySQL manual].


To create a PostgreSQL user account, enter the following command on mire.hcoop.net: dbtool postgres adduser. You will not be prompted for a password since PostgreSQL utilizes a security model that is quite different from MySQL. The user created will be the same as your log-in username.

Creating and Deleting Databases

Additionally, dbtool is used to create new Postgres databases. Replace DATABASE with your desired database name: dbtool postgres createdb DATABASE. The database created will be called USER_DATABASE (where USER is your username and DATABASE is the name you provided dbtool).

Delete a database with the following command: dbtool postgres dropdb DATABASE. For security reasons, you cannot drop a database using the psql shell.

Accessing Databases

For web applications, set the PostgreSQL host/server to postgres. Default ports apply. Use your HCoop username. A password is not required. Remember that your database is really named USER_DATABASE, where DATABASE is the name you originally gave dbtool. Follow your software package's instructions.

It is very easy to access your database using a PostgreSQL shell: psql -h postgres USER_DATABASE.

To learn more about the psql shell, take a look at the [http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/index.html PostgreSQL manual].