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MemberManual / Email / Clients

This page provides examples of how to get various email clients working with our setup.


Using our CA certificate

Doing this will get rid of the warning message for all SSL-enabled HCoop websites, as well as mail. It will also get rid of the warning for any HCoop member websites served via HTTPS that have opted to be signed by our CA certificate.

Using just the email certificate

If you don't want to install the CA certificate, then it is possible to install just the certificate for mail.

The easy way

In mail.app when the warning about the certificate comes up, drag the certificate icon to a folder. Then drag this into keychain access into the system keychain, or open it with keychain access and specify "system".

The hard way

When using webmail, MacOS X always warns you about the root certificate not found. Mail.app does this as well. The solution for this problem is to do the following:

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect mail.hcoop.net:443

In that output look for "BEGIN CERTIFICATE" and "END CERTIFICATE". Between those lines there is the certificate. Copy that to a pem file. Then do:

certtool i hcoopmail.pem k=/System/Library/Keychains/X509Anchors v

It will import this into the X509Anchors keychain, the 'v' is for verbose. It should also say it imported successfully. Now Safari should not warn you about this.


Hcoop email can be easily configured on your symbian mobile. This example is N91 specific, but other Symbian 9.1 phones should be very similar. IMAP4 configuration will be good if you like your mails to remain on the server.

Your mailbox name will appear in the list of mailboxes.


This is the configuration for the default 'Email' application on Android.


At the time of this writing, the only way to access email from an OLPC laptop is via https://mail.hcoop.net, and there is no easy way to successfully browse that site, due to a bug in the OLPC web browser. Here is how to work around the issue.




# ~/.muttrc
set certificate_file=~/.mutt/certs
set folder=imaps://mail.hcoop.net/INBOX.
set from=user@hcoop.net
set header_cache=~/.mutt/cache/hdrs
set imap_idle=yes
set imap_keepalive=300
set imap_passive=no
set imap_user=user
# set imap_pass=password
set mbox=imaps://mail.hcoop.net/INBOX
set mail_check=300
set message_cachedir=~/.mutt/cache/msgs
set move=no
set postponed=+Drafts
set record=+Sent
# set realname=Your Other Name
set smtp_url=smtps://user:password@mail.hcoop.net
set spoolfile=imaps://mail.hcoop.net/INBOX


You can also check your hcoop email using Alpine. To do so, simply type 'alpine' at the prompt. This will invoke the Alpine client, but as is, it won't be able to access your messages, or send new ones. You will need to configure a few settings first.

You have just done everything that you need to do to read incoming mail, and send outgoing messages. The next (and last) thing you will probably want to do, is to get access to other folders that you may have created/want to create.

To do this,

You can now browse your mail and compose messages using Secure IMAP and Secure SMTP.


MemberManual/Email/Clients (last edited 2017-01-03 10:06:26 by KevinEverets)