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MemberManual / FAQ

This page contains answers to questions often asked about DomTool and our setup.


Things that worked fine yesterday suddenly don't work anymore

The most likely reason for IMAP, DNS, and web hosting to suddenly stop working is that there is a syntax error in one of the files in your ~/.domtool directory. For each file <FILE> in your ~/.domtool directory, run

domtool -tc ~/.domtool/<FILE>

If you see any problems, either move the file into a different directory, or fix the problems.

When done, run domtool on each file in your ~/.domtool directory, and everything should be back to normal.

It is highly recommended to keep files in a different directory while testing them, and then copy them to ~/.domtool once you are certain that they are error-free.

If you don't find any errors in your domtool configuration, then you might want to file a support request.