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Diff for "MemberManual/MigrationGuide"

Differences between revisions 3 and 6 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2007-05-17 18:05:26
Size: 734
Editor: cpe-76-180-90-92
Comment: changed proper nameservers to ns1 and ns3
Revision 6 as of 2007-05-23 03:59:37
Size: 1423
Editor: AdamChlipala
Comment: dbtool
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= dbtool =

''Here lie interim dbtool docs until migration is done, at which time they will probably move to UsingDatabases.''

To manage your database user and databases, the basic syntax is `dbtool <DBTYPE> <COMMAND>`, where `<DBTYPE>` is `postgres` or `mysql`.

The `adduser` command creates a database user for you, with the same name as your UNIX log-in name. In the case of `mysql`, you will be prompted for a password and confirmation re-entry in the usual manner.

The `passwd` command allows you to reset the password. (Useless for `postgres`, where we use only ident authentication)

The `createdb <DBNAME>` command creates a database named `<USERNAME>_<DBNAME>`.

For the purposes of this page, we'll use the name New to refer to the servers hosted at Peer 1 (which are deleuze, mire, and eventually abulafia) and Old to refer to any servers that we've used previously.


We are purposely not sending any DNS data from New to Old, which means that you need to change domains at your registrar if you want New to be authoritative for them. The proper nameservers are ns1.hcoop.net and ns3.hcoop.net, in that order. Keeping ns.hcoop.net and ns2.hcoop.net will not work.


If you're using rsync to transfer data to the new servers, the "-a" option by itself won't work properly because rsync attempts to chgrp the transferred files. Use "-a --no-g" instead of "-a".


Here lie interim dbtool docs until migration is done, at which time they will probably move to UsingDatabases.

To manage your database user and databases, the basic syntax is dbtool <DBTYPE> <COMMAND>, where <DBTYPE> is postgres or mysql.

The adduser command creates a database user for you, with the same name as your UNIX log-in name. In the case of mysql, you will be prompted for a password and confirmation re-entry in the usual manner.

The passwd command allows you to reset the password. (Useless for postgres, where we use only ident authentication)

The createdb <DBNAME> command creates a database named <USERNAME>_<DBNAME>.

MemberManual/MigrationGuide (last edited 2012-12-17 21:12:48 by ClintonEbadi)