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Diff for "MemberManual/ServingWebsites/SslCert/LetsEncrypt"

Differences between revisions 9 and 12 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 9 as of 2020-03-20 14:17:24
Size: 7170
Revision 12 as of 2021-02-03 12:40:00
Size: 7803
Editor: AaronFenyes
Comment: Link multi-domain configuration steps
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Let's Encrypt! This page describes how to enable ssl using letsencrypt for example.com. ssh to ssh.hcoop.net, then follow the instructions below Let's Encrypt! This page describes how to enable SSL using letsencrypt for ''example.com''. Log in through ssh to `ssh.hcoop.net`, then follow the instructions below
Line 7: Line 7:
At the end of these steps, you'll have a certificate for www.example.com. If you want to use a different subdomain (example.com, git.example.com, etc), you'll follow modified versions of these steps in section 2. At the end of these steps, you'll have a certificate for ''www.example.com''. If you want to use a different subdomain (''example.com'', ''git.example.com'', etc.), you can follow this [[#Multi-domain_configuration_example|multi-domain configuration example]].
Line 63: Line 63:
{{{#!wiki caution
'''This won't work as written.'''

See "Multi Domain Configuration Example" below for a working setup.

If the ''example.com'' document root is `~/public_html/`, run
Line 75: Line 69:
At the end, it will print a message, `Your cert is in` and then a path to a file ending in `.cer`.

Copy this path '''without the .cer extension'''. In the next section, replace `$FILE` with this path.
(If the document root is some weird subdirectory, like `~/public_html/weird`, set the `-w` option to that instead.)

At the end, it will print `Your cert is in` and then a path to a file ending in `.cer`. Copy this path '''without the .cer extension'''. In the next section, replace `$FILE` with this path.
Line 91: Line 85:
You must also request certification installation whenever you renew the certificate. You must also request certificate installation whenever you renew the certificate.
Line 95: Line 89:
Customize your config file as you wish. Simplest example config, redirecting all traffic to https: Now that your cert has been installed, its path will appear on the [[https://members.hcoop.net/portal/cert|certificate permission request]] page, under the heading "Your certificates." Let's say the cert path is `/etc/apache2/ssl/user/www.example.com.pem`. (That directory is really called `user`; it's not a username stand-in!) You need to add this path to your domtool configuration.

Here's a simple example config, which redirects all traffic to https in a single domain.
Line 99: Line 95:
  SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/YOUR_USERNAME/www.example.com.pem"   SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/user/www.example.com.pem"
Line 107: Line 103:
Read more [[DomTool||about domtool]] Here are [[DomTool/Examples#Using_SSL_.28HTTPS.29|more single-domain examples]] and [[#Multi-domain_configuration_example|a multi-domain example]]. For reference, here's the [[DomTool|domtool manual]].

Let's Encrypt! This page describes how to enable SSL using letsencrypt for example.com. Log in through ssh to ssh.hcoop.net, then follow the instructions below

1. First time setup

At the end of these steps, you'll have a certificate for www.example.com. If you want to use a different subdomain (example.com, git.example.com, etc.), you can follow this multi-domain configuration example.

1.1. Set up your new website with http

echo 'dom "example.com" with end;' > ~/.domtool/example.com

1.2. Set up your environment

These steps are recommended but optional. If you skip them, you'll need to run source ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh.env each time before you generate certs.

The hcoop environment doesn't use a .bashrc file by default, but acme.sh expects one. First create the file

touch ~/.bashrc

Then load it in each new session. Add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
        . ~/.bashrc

1.3. Download and install `acme.sh`

Acme.sh is a letsencrypt client written in pure bash. The third command may complain that you are not allowed to use crontab. This is fine.

git clone https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh.git
cd acme.sh
./acme.sh --install

Security Precautions

Since afs is publicly accessible, you need to take a few precautions to ensure that your certificate and private key remain private. For all key operations, keep the files in a directory that only you and the admins can read.

Set the correct permissions:

fs sa ~/.acme.sh -clear YOUR_USERNAME all system:administrators all

You'll have to do this once, or you can log out and reconnect (if you set up your .bashrc):

source ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh.env

1.4. Generate the cert

If the example.com document root is ~/public_html/, run

acme.sh --issue -d example.com -w ~/public_html/

(If the document root is some weird subdirectory, like ~/public_html/weird, set the -w option to that instead.)

At the end, it will print Your cert is in and then a path to a file ending in .cer. Copy this path without the .cer extension. In the next section, replace $FILE with this path.

1.5. Request cert installation from hcoop admins

Send a SSL certificate permission request. Fields are filled out with:

Subdomain: www

Domain: example.com

OpenSSL certificate: $FILE.cer $FILE.key

See section above for context.

You must also request certificate installation whenever you renew the certificate.

1.6. Update domtool config to use SSL

Now that your cert has been installed, its path will appear on the certificate permission request page, under the heading "Your certificates." Let's say the cert path is /etc/apache2/ssl/user/www.example.com.pem. (That directory is really called user; it's not a username stand-in!) You need to add this path to your domtool configuration.

Here's a simple example config, which redirects all traffic to https in a single domain.

dom "example.com" where
  SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/user/www.example.com.pem"
  web "www" with
    rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "https://www.example.com$1" [redirectWith temp]

Here are more single-domain examples and a multi-domain example. For reference, here's the domtool manual.

2. Existing setups & tweaks

Under construction

This section is under construction.

2.1. Multi-domain configuration example


val acmeChallengeAlias = begin
    location "/.well-known/acme-challenge" with unset_options [indexes]; end;
    alias "/.well-known/acme-challenge" "/afs/hcoop.net/user/b/bk/bkhl/www/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge";


val elektrubadurCertificate = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/user/elektrubadur.se.pem";

val elektrubadurRewrite = rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "https://elektrubadur.se$1" [redirectWith permanent];

val elektrubadurSubdomainAlias = \name -> begin
    web name with elektrubadurRewrite; end;
    web name where SSL = elektrubadurCertificate; with elektrubadurRewrite; end;

dom "elektrubadur.se" where
    DocumentRoot = home "www/elektrubadur.se";
    CreateWWW = false;

    vhostDefault where
        SSL = elektrubadurCertificate;
        errorDocument "404" "/404.html";

        expiresByType "text/plain" access 1 days;
        expiresByType "text/css" access 1 days;

        expiresByType "image/jpeg" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "image/png" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "image/gif" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "image/svg" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "image/vnd.microsoft.icon" access 1 weeks;


    vhostDefault with elektrubadurRewrite; end;

    elektrubadurSubdomainAlias "www";
    elektrubadurSubdomainAlias "bkhl";

    web "test" where
        DocumentRoot = home "www/test.elektrubadur.se";
        SSL = elektrubadurCertificate;

    web "test" with
        rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "https://test.elektrubadur.se$1" [redirectWith permanent];

    web "cloud" where
        DocumentRoot = home "www/cloud.elektrubadur.se";
        SSL = elektrubadurCertificate;
        location "/" with
            unset_options [indexes, multiViews];
            directoryIndex ["index.php", "index.html"];

        expiresByType "text/css" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "application/javascript" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "image/svg" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "image/gif" access 1 weeks;
        expiresByType "application/font-woff2" access 1 weeks;

        setEnvIfNoCase "^Authorization$" "(.+)" ["XAUTHORIZATION=$1"];

        rewriteCond "%{HTTP_USER_AGENT}" "DavClnt" [];
        rewriteRule "^$" "/remote.php/webdav/" [redirectWith temp, last];

        rewriteRule ".*" "-" [env "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" "%{HTTP:Authorization}"];
        rewriteRule "^\.well-known/host-meta" "/public.php?service=host-meta" [qsappend, last];
        rewriteRule "^\.well-known/host-meta\.json" "/public.php?service=host-meta-json" [qsappend, last];
        rewriteRule "^\.well-known/webfinger" "/public.php?service=webfinger" [qsappend, last];
        rewriteRule "^\.well-known/carddav" "/remote.php/dav/" [redirectWith permanent, last];
        rewriteRule "^\.well-known/caldav" "/remote.php/dav/" [redirectWith permanent, last];
        rewriteRule "^remote/(.*)" "remote.php" [qsappend, last];
        rewriteRule "^(?:build|tests|config|lib|3rdparty|templates)/.*" "-" [redirectWith notfound, last];
        rewriteCond "%{REQUEST_URI}" "!^/\.well-known/(acme-challenge|pki-validation)/.*" [];
        rewriteRule "^(?:\.|autotest|occ|issue|indie|db_|console).*" "-" [redirectWith notfound, last];


    web "cloud" with
        rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "https://cloud.elektrubadur.se$1" [redirectWith permanent];

    emailAlias "admin" "bkhl";
    emailAlias "info" "bkhl";


~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --issue -d elektrubadur.se -d www.elektrubadur.se -d bkhl.elektrubadur.se -d cloud.elektrubadur.se -d test.elektrubadur.se -w $HOME/www/acme/

And later on just ~/.acme.sh/acme.sh --renew-all

MemberManual/ServingWebsites/SslCert/LetsEncrypt (last edited 2024-02-25 17:57:43 by 173)