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MemberManual / ShellAccess

This is the chapter of the MemberManual that describes how to log in to our machines, and provides a brief explanation of what our machines do.


Our Machines

We have several machines. Here are brief descriptions of each of the machines you can log into.

Machine name

IP address



For further details on our machines, including the machines that are not listed here, take a look at the [:Hardware:] page.

For shell access when the SSH machine itself is not relevant, use hostname ssh.hcoop.net.

Logging In

Use SSH to log in, by typing the following, where USER is your HCoop username.

ssh USER@ssh.hcoop.net

Changing the Default Shell

If you wish to change your login shell, then create a symlink called ~/.loginshell whose target is your shell of choice. Here is one example:

ln -sf /bin/zsh ~/.loginshell

Web Interface for Login

We also have an AJAX SSH service at [http://ssh.hcoop.net/]. This allows you to use a web browser to log into mire, provided that you have a fairly modern web browser.

Password-less Login

Consult the [:/PasswordlessLogin:Password-less Login] subpage for instructions.

Security Restrictions

We have some security restrictions in place on the shell servers. They are documented here: ShellServerSecurityRestrictions.