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MemberManual / TransferringFiles / OpenAFS / Windows

This is the chapter of the MemberManual that describes how to install the OpenAFS client on Windows.


Please note that OpenAFS runs a service so you must have a user account on Windows that allows management of services. For example, the powerusers group on Windows XP has such privileges but the default limited users account does not.

Software to Download

You will need to download the latest versions of the following software:

  1. Kerberos - [http://web.mit.edu/Kerberos/dist/index.html download page]. We recommend downloading the "Installer" with the EXE extension.

  2. OpenAFS Client - [http://www.openafs.org/pages/windows.html download page]. We recommend downloading the "32-bit EXE installer for individual installations".



First, install Kerberos. Here's some details to input at certain dialog prompts during the installation:

  1. Choose Components -- select only KfW client and KfW documentation.

  2. Kerberos Configuration -- the defaults are fine. Ensure "Use packaged configuration files for the ATHENA.MIT.EDU realm." is selected.

  3. Network Identity Manager Setup -- the defaults are fine but you can safely uncheck this as OpenAFS will automate Kerberos authentication.

  4. Proceed with the installation.


Install OpenAFS and input the following when the appropriate dialog prompts:

  1. Choose Components -- select only AFS Client.

  2. CellServDB Configuration -- the defaults are highly recommended. Ensure "Use packaged CellServDB file." is marked.

  3. Client Cell Name Configuration -- For "Enter AFS cell name" use hcoop.net. The rest of the defaults are sound.

  4. AFS Credentials Configuration -- These defaults are good unless you would prefer to launch the AFS client manually.

  5. Proceed with the installation and reboot.

Post-Install Configuration