What is Drupal?
Drupal is an open source content management platform. Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal supports a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites.
For more information:
This page describes how to install Drupal with MySQL. If you use PostgreSQL it should be a bit easier, provided that you read MemberManual/Databases. I won't describe how to create the database, you'll have to learn it from MemberManual/Databases.
In addition this page assumes that:
You are going to install Drupal under a directory which we'll call $DRUPALROOT (this can be any directory under your home, of course)
You are going to use the database called $DBNAME (again, this is just a placeholder)
$USER is your UNIX username.
Installing Drupal
Installing drupal is quite simple. Just download the latest Drupal release, unpack it somewhere, then move all Drupal files to $DRUPALROOT.
$ wget $ tar xf drupal-6.14.tar.gz $ mv drupal-6.14/* $DRUPALROOT
Fixing the MySQL Database
Installation is complicated a bit because on HCoop MySQL tables can be created but not dropped (you have to run mysql-fixperms). Because of this we'll have to:
- Start the installation process by pointing your web browser to the install.php file.
- Fill database connection parameters as usual
- Let the installation wizard die telling you that it cannot drop the "drupal_install_test" table.
In a shell run mysql-fixperms.
- Connect to the database and drop the "drupal_install_test" table:
$ echo "drop table drupal_install_test;" | mysql -u $USER -h mysql -D $DBNAME
- Re-start the installation process and re-insert database connection parameters.
- The wizard should now complete the process without problems.
DomTool configuration to get CleanURIs
Suggested Drupal modules
- Pathauto: will generate clean, readable URIs and it has lot of configuration options.