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MemberManual / WebApplications / Nextcloud

Guide for installation of Nextcloud.

Tested with Nextcloud 15.0.0.

1. Unpack the software

Get the Nextcloud tarball from Nextcloud.

Pick a directory where you'll host Nextcloud, for example $HOME/www/next.your.domain. We'll call it $NEXTDIR.

Unpacks directory 'nextcloud':

unzip nextcloud-15.0.0.zip

We move the content of the archive so that it's in the root of your new directory. We don't need the .htaccess and .user.ini files.

mv nextcloud/* $NEXTDIR/

Create an empty data directory in the document root. This is necessary for the duration of the installation, we'll delete it later.

mkdir data

Adjust directory permissions:

fsr setacl . system:anyuser none
fsr sa . $USER.daemon rlk
fsr sa config $USER.daemon write
fsr sa data $USER.daemon write
fsr sa apps $USER.daemon write

Delete some lines in the file core/Migrations/Version14000Date20180129121024.php. This doesn't play well with the HCoop default of not granting DROP on tables. The easiest fix seems to be to manually drop these later.

@@ -49,11 +49,6 @@
                /** @var ISchemaWrapper $schema */
                $schema = $schemaClosure();

-               $schema->dropTable('admin_sections');
-               $schema->dropTable('admin_settings');
-               $schema->dropTable('personal_sections');
-               $schema->dropTable('personal_settings');
                return $schema;