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Diff for "Migration2009/ProspectiveHostsQuoteRequest"

Differences between revisions 10 and 21 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2009-09-18 00:24:00
Size: 3961
Comment: added DukeNet
Revision 21 as of 2011-04-21 16:07:07
Size: 68
Editor: system-91-142-58-45
Comment: fUxKCE In awe of that aswner! Really cool!
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= First draft =

To whom it may concern:

Our Internet hosting cooperative [[http://hcoop.net/|HCoop, Inc.]] is looking to colocate some servers. Could you give us a price quote on a package that would include all of the following? We are a registered non-profit corporation, so we'd love to hear about any discounts that you extend to non-profits.

 * Hosting Hardware
   * 7-10U of rack space
   * /27 subnet of IPs
   * 500GB-1TB bandwidth/month
 * Remote services
   * Remote reboot capability or free remote hands to perform small tasks such as reboots or attaching cables
   * Reasonable rate for more significant hardware adjustments
   * 24/7 emergency service
   * Ability to ship servers to the datacenter and have them racked and cabled by staff

We're interested in owning the servers that we host, and we'd also like some kind of hardware support contract, where as part of the package you would fix/replace hardware that failed. We're open to the possibility of buying the hardware through you to make this more feasible. Also, we're flexible on many of the details of our plans, so suggestions based on what you've known to work well in your environment are much appreciated.



HCoop, Inc. Representative

= Alternative Draft (Clinton) =

To whom it may concern,

I am a representative of HCoop, Inc <http://hcoop.net> a registered
non-profit corporation providing Internet hosting services for
members. We are planning a major infrastructure upgrade, and have decided to move to a colocation provider that better suits our current situation and will allow us to expand more easily in the future.

We are looking for quotes on a quarter and half cabinet of rack space
with at least the following:

 * 10 amps power per 10U
 * Remote power cycling for each outlet
 * /27 subnet of IP addresses
 * 1TB or 2TB monthly bandwidth (or more; we currently use close enough to
   1TB/month that we'd at least need the option to use more bandwidth
   within a year)

We're also interested in a few other things if you provide them:

 * Onsite backup services
 * Fees for having staff rack (and potentially cable) new hardware which is shipped to your location
 * Fees for minor tasks such as adjusting cables

Ideally we'd like to be able to have hardware, or at least small
packages such as RAM, shipped to the facility and either held for us
or placed into our rack as well.

Thanks much,

HCoop Inc, Representative

= Potential Hosts to Contact =

== Research Triangle Park NC ==

 * [[http://www.hostedsolutions.com/data-center/cary-data-center/cary-data-center-facilities-specifications.php|Hosted Solutions (Cary, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.tqhosting.com/about/datacenter-and-network/|Tranquil Hosting (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://celito.net/CelitoDataCenter/ServerCoLocation/tabid/2159/Default.aspx|Celito (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.peak10.com/Solutions/default.asp|Peak 10 (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.availability.sungard.com/sungardsolutions/ITSolutions/managedservices/colocation/Pages/colocationandmanagedcolocation.aspx|SunGard (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.dashsystems.com/HOS_colocated.cfm|Dash Systems (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.deltaforce.net/rates.php#colo|Deltaforce (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.netriplex.com/solutions/server_colocation/raleigh_colocation.aspx|Netriplex (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.enterprisehostinginc.com/Colocation/Colocation-North-Carolina/Colocation-Raleigh|Enterprise Hosting (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.intrex.net/colocation.htm|Intrex (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.consonus.com/data-centers.aspx|Consonus (Winston-Salem, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.colocation.com/Colocationraleigh.html|Colocation.com (Raleigh, NC)]]
 * [[http://www.level3.com/index.cfm?pageID=59|Level3 (Raleigh, NC) (?)]]
 * [[http://www.dukenet.com/co-location.asp|DukeNet (Raleigh, NC)]]
fUxKCE In awe of that aswner! Really cool!

fUxKCE In awe of that aswner! Really cool!


Migration2009/ProspectiveHostsQuoteRequest (last edited 2011-04-22 22:52:37 by ClintonEbadi)