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OurHistory / ColocationPlansServiceProviders

1. Possible Colocation Service Providers

Currently, the Hcoop Inc. group planning the next server architecture is compiling a list of companies that we will contact with our quote request letter, detailed on the page ProspectiveHostsQuoteRequest. All members are invited to submit new companies to the pool that will be considered for hosting our next architecture by the deadline of April 14, 2006. You may also petition to remove hosting companies from consideration by that date.

In order to remove or add companies from consideration, you may modify the list of companies below. If for any reason you would prefer not to modify the wiki page, email JustinLeitgeb at justin@phq.org and he will modify the wiki page for you.

Also, JustinLeitgeb will be the default representative from the group to send out the quote requests, unless anyone else volunteers. If certain members would like to contact any of the hosting companies below, perhaps to maintain continuity of a relationship, add a comment stating this next to the name of the appropriate company below.

Once we begin to receive requests from the companies concerned, the results will be posted for member review on the page ServiceProvidersReview. The hcoop discussion email list will be mailed to indicate when results are ready for review as we lead up to a vote.

1.1. List of Providers we will send our Quote Request to

This is the list of providers that we will send our quote request to, once the letter on ColocationPlans has been finalized. All will be contacted by JustinLeitgeb unless noted otherwise to the right of the company name.

1.2. Previous information that was gathered about existing service providers who may be helpful to us

Who should we consider for hosting our next hcoop architecture?

Some providers that have come recommended:

Responses to an e-mail AdamChlipala sent to the [http://communitycolo.net/ CCCP] mailing list:

Other possibilities for hosting that have been mentioned:

1.3. See Also

Pages that are related to this are ColocationPlans, which is the main page for discussion of the new architecture, and SystemArchitecturePlans, which provides details and diagrams on hardware and software configuration issues related to the new hcoop network.