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OurHistory / ColocationProvidersEvaluation

1. Evaluation of Potential Colocation Providers

See the responses from various providers to our ColocationQuoteRequest. Where available, their actual responses are provided as attached PDF files.

1.1. GAIA Host


GAIA contacted us after receiving the quote request, but it has taken them more than a week to give us a follow-up quote. So far, they are the only provider in the list who is willing to sell us hardware. However, it seems that they would be putting it in a data center like one of the larger providers below, such as He.net or Peer 1.

1.2. He.net


If we can stay under 1MB/s, the rate for bandwidth plus up to 7U is $300/month.

He.net does not sell hardware.

Their response to our request as a PDF: attachment:he_colo.pdf

1.3. InReach


Didn't receive reply to first email sent on 4/8/2006 to sales@inreach.com, sent second email on 4/17/2006 with our form quote request.

Update: email to sales@inreach.com could not be sent for more than 4 hours, seems like an internal error on inreach's network. Since these signs don't bode well for future service, I will put them on the inactive list unless I receive a compelling quote in the next few days.

1.4. Peer 1


Peer 1 offers a quarter cabinet for 10U. A fast ethernet port with a 5MB/s connection is provided. Monthly costs for the space will be $750, and there would be a $400 initial charge for installation of the space.

Peer 1 does not sell hardware.

Their response to our request as a PDF: attachment:Peer1.QuarterCab.Proposal.pdf

1.5. Switch and Data


Switch and Data has contacted us, will post information soon.

1.6. Simpli


Didn't receive reply to first email sent on 4/8/2006 to sales@simpli.biz, sent second email on 4/17/2006 with our form quote request.