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OurHistory / ColocationProvidersEvaluation

1. Evaluation of Potential Colocation Providers

Based on our responses from colocation providers (or lack thereof), this page will be updated with information from potential providers to help us make our decision.

1.1. Providers Still in Contention for Hcoop, Inc. Colocation

1.1.1. Peer 1

Peer 1 offers a quarter cabinet for 10U. A fast ethernet port with a 5MB/s connection is provided. Monthly costs for the space will be $750, and there would be a $400 initial charge for installation of the space.

Their response to our request in pdf form: attachment:Peer1.QuarterCab.Proposal.pdf

1.1.2. GAIA Host

Waiting on quote.

1.1.3. He.net

If we can stay under 1MB/s, the rate for bandwidth plus up to 7U is $300/month.

1.1.4. Simpli.biz

Still waiting for reply, will try contacting again.

1.1.5. Switch and Data

Will post info soon.

1.1.6. InReach