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Diff for "ProspectiveMemberFaq"

Differences between revisions 2 and 52 (spanning 50 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2005-11-16 15:57:16
Size: 997
Editor: AdamChlipala
Comment: Add PayPal fees
Revision 52 as of 2024-05-29 07:45:08
Size: 399
Editor: NoeliaArek
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
= Meta =

== Q: Can I edit this wiki before joining? ==

A: Yes!

== Q: Can I use an HCoop account for commercial purposes? ==

A: Yes, though we hope that you'll be willing to pay a (not much) greater share of our costs if you are reaping a huge profit by way of our services. :-)

= Payment =

== Q: How much does it cost to pay with PayPal? ==

See [http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_display-fees-outside their fees information]. We have a business account.

= Domains =

== Q: Can I use multiple domain names that I own with an HCoop account? ==

A: Yes, and we even have our own DomainTool to let you do so without superuser intervention.

= Customization =

== Q: Can I compile binaries myself? ==

A: Yes. You can install your own compilers, and we'll install most any compiler that's found in Debian testing.

== Q: Can I run my own daemons? ==

A: Yes, though whether or not this is feasible in terms of resource use depends on the kind of server.
Hello fr᧐m France. I'm glad to came across you. My first name is Gwendolʏn. <<<BR>>
I live in a small town called Bagnolet in south France.<<<BR>>
I was also born in Bagnolet 38 yearѕ ago. Mаrгied in October year 2012. I'm working at the college.<<<BR>>
my homeрage ... [[https://www.europesoftwares.net/|EuropeSoftwares.NET]]

Hello fr᧐m France. I'm glad to came across you. My first name is Gwendolʏn. <
> I live in a small town called Bagnolet in south France.<
> I was also born in Bagnolet 38 yearѕ ago. Mаrгied in October year 2012. I'm working at the college.<
> <
> my homeрage ... EuropeSoftwares.NET

ProspectiveMemberFaq (last edited 2024-07-02 14:32:53 by SeanKatz1)