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Diff for "ProspectiveMemberFaq"

Differences between revisions 2 and 53 (spanning 51 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2005-11-16 15:57:16
Size: 997
Editor: AdamChlipala
Comment: Add PayPal fees
Revision 53 as of 2024-06-01 14:16:09
Size: 213
Editor: ChasityWol
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
= Meta =

== Q: Can I edit this wiki before joining? ==

A: Yes!

== Q: Can I use an HCoop account for commercial purposes? ==

A: Yes, though we hope that you'll be willing to pay a (not much) greater share of our costs if you are reaping a huge profit by way of our services. :-)

= Payment =

== Q: How much does it cost to pay with PayPal? ==

See [http://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_display-fees-outside their fees information]. We have a business account.

= Domains =

== Q: Can I use multiple domain names that I own with an HCoop account? ==

A: Yes, and we even have our own DomainTool to let you do so without superuser intervention.

= Customization =

== Q: Can I compile binaries myself? ==

A: Yes. You can install your own compilers, and we'll install most any compiler that's found in Debian testing.

== Q: Can I run my own daemons? ==

A: Yes, though whether or not this is feasible in terms of resource use depends on the kind of server.
I am 35 years old and my name is Kaitlyn Hayցood. I lifе in Grandrieu (Belgium).<<<BR>>
Also visit my wеb site :: [[https://www.europesoftwares.net/|EuropeSoftwares.NET]]

I am 35 years old and my name is Kaitlyn Hayցood. I lifе in Grandrieu (Belgium).<
> <
> Also visit my wеb site :: EuropeSoftwares.NET

ProspectiveMemberFaq (last edited 2024-07-02 14:32:53 by SeanKatz1)