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Diff for "ServerBusted"

Differences between revisions 17 and 18
Revision 17 as of 2020-07-19 21:56:47
Size: 3493
Editor: ClintonEbadi
Comment: "fixed" ntp port failure by using raw port number
Revision 18 as of 2020-07-19 22:01:36
Size: 4039
Editor: ClintonEbadi
Comment: fixed triggering apt update before installing packages, but this breaks new things!
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 58: Line 58:
We don't trigger an apt update after we install our key and repo, so package installs fail until we manually apt-get update After adding logic to hcoop::service::apt to force an `apt-get update' after any sources change before installing packages:

Apt::Source <| |> ~> Class['apt::update'] -> Package <| |>

A new problem arose: `Error: Could not find a suitable provider for apt_key`, because the `apt::key` type needs `Package['gnupg']` to verify keys in order to add the repository, and it can't install it because it can't verify the keys of the custom repos...

Worked around by installing, not sure of general fix ... might be able to force installation of gnupg before `Apt::Key` in the `hcoop::service::apt` class ... but I think that might create a dependency cycle.

Server busted.hcoop.net is a virtual machine at DigitalOcean that was created to work on the Debian Stretch to Buster upgrade.

It's name is just an allusion to it being broken by design.

1. Setup Notes

1.1. Need to upgrade system first

Newer kernel and some other base packages are available right out of the bat, need to upgrade so we can have working kernel headers for the afs build and whatnot. Added to general setup notes.

1.2. Have to force iptables-legacy before installing anything

Puppet does not support NFT, even using iptables-nft which is default iptables implementation in Debian 10. Before the first reboot, switch the implementation to iptables-legacy:

sudo update-alternatives --config iptables
sudo update-alternatives --config ip6tables

And select the legacy variant for both.

Otherwise other packages will create nft rules, and the firewall module will break completely.

1.3. resolv.conf / initial puppet cert request

We can't really get around manually opening the firewall for the agent on the puppetmaster... at our scale this isn't a big deal anyway.

Like others, had to set domain hcoop.net manually in /etc/resolv.conf. It looks like the only reason we need this is for the initial puppet connection. So I tried setting the agent config at /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf to:

server = puppet.hcoop.net

But the cert for the master only has the fqdn of its concrete hostname, and the alias puppet with no domain

Error: Server hostname 'puppet.hcoop.net' did not match server certificate; expected one of gibran.hcoop.net, DNS:puppet, DNS:gibran.hcoop.net
Error: Could not run: Server hostname 'puppet.hcoop.net' did not match server certificate; expected one of gibran.hcoop.net, DNS:puppet, DNS:gibran.hcoop.net

If we could regenerate this to also include CN:puppet.hcoop.net, the manual edit that needed to be done would at least be more related to the limitation in our infrastructure that mandates it...

1.4. /usr/bin/mail behaves differently

GNU mailutils now provides /usr/bin/mail instead of bsd-mailx. It treats addresses a bit differently, appending the hostname. So mail -s "foo" root goes to root@busted.hcoop.net instead of just root which is then rewritten to logs@hcoop.net. The message then gets stuck in exim forever until it gets frozen and purged.

Not sure we want to switch back to bsd-mailx over this though, for now keep mailutils as the default provider.

2. Puppet porting notes

2.1. libnss-afs installs to non-multiarch location

minor issue, but might want to address. We're still installing to just /usr/lib instead of /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (need to update package to comply with multiarch)

2.2. HCoop Debian Package Repo

After adding logic to hcoop::service::apt to force an `apt-get update' after any sources change before installing packages:

Apt::Source <| |> ~> Class['apt::update'] -> Package <| |>

A new problem arose: Error: Could not find a suitable provider for apt_key, because the apt::key type needs Package['gnupg'] to verify keys in order to add the repository, and it can't install it because it can't verify the keys of the custom repos...

Worked around by installing, not sure of general fix ... might be able to force installation of gnupg before Apt::Key in the hcoop::service::apt class ... but I think that might create a dependency cycle.

3. Puppet WONTFIX

3.1. ssmtp is gone

We need to switch to msmtp

Switching to msmtp proved to be difficult, lowuid rewriting to send mails to logs@ alias is not working, and can't work as far as I can tell. I ended up just backporting ssmtp since it's not removed from Debian, but just didn't get moved into buster (it's also just a bit unmaintained). It might be easier to just set up exim in satellite mode going forward instead.



ServerBusted (last edited 2020-07-19 22:32:49 by ClintonEbadi)