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Revision 13 as of 2015-05-13 22:54:08



mccarthy.hcoop.net is our first Debian Jessie VM, and is intended to run mail services and the member portal.

1. The Ugly

ServerDeleuze decided to start dying one day so a few evils were committed in moving services.

1.1. Courier

There was insufficient time to do a proper switch to dovecot, but courier seems to work with our patches at least for normal users.

/var/local/lib/spamd is symlinked to spamd's openafs home for legacy purposes -- shared index file is updated, but existing index files based on the template will have the old location.

/etc/pam.d/imap is ugly as hell though. We need to kill courier with fire asap, or see if we can customize using krb5.conf:

#@include common-auth
#@include common-account
#@include common-password
#@include common-session

session         required       pam_afs_session.so debug nopag always_aklog
auth            required       pam_krb5.so debug
auth            required       pam_afs_session.so debug nopag always_aklog
account         required       pam_krb5.so

1.2. Exim

Installed exim4-daemon-heavy procmail spf-tools-perl courier-authlib-userdb, merged deleuze's config onto the current Debian base exim4 config. No config package has been created. History is lost from deleuze at the moment (diff -ur ...).

Added /etc/ferm/service.{in,out}.d/exim to allow connecting to spamd on hopper and open smtp generally.

adduser Debian-exim mail hcoop-tlscert to allow it to read /etc/courier/exim.dat and hcoop tls cert.

mkdir /etc/courier /etc/spamassassin for userdb and spamd. domtool-publish should at least make the spamassassin dir...

touch /var/domtool/{local,relay,mailman}_domains.cfg -- but domtool-publish's redo_exim function procedure should test if these exist before using (it is non-fatal for a mail node to not be relaying for anything, but currently requires creating empty files to actually work)

1.2.1. Exim Notes



Things that need review in the config:

Misc Changes from Debian:

Major changes of note from deleuze:

2. Setup Issues
