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1. Username: nevetski

Hi. My own wiki: http://wiki.calefaction.org/SteveKillen

HCoop Board member, term 1 year

2013 HCoop Board of Directors Election nomination acceptance:

I have served as the HCoop treasurer for the last year, as well as continued working on my MAT (Master's degree in Teaching) and acquiring a job as a high school Latin teacher. Took me a little while to get my brain around the treasurer task, but I am chugging along merrily, and enjoying myself to boot. I have worked in concert with the rest of the board to manage financial matters as they arise; it's not a very showy job, but bills and dues are getting handled. My next plan is to give us an actual, forward-looking budget statement so that we can expand and improve services for members.

If you like what I am doing (i.e., staying out of your hair except to handle payments efficiently), I hope you will see fit to re-elect me so that I may continue it.

SteveKillen (last edited 2013-03-10 17:56:11 by cpe-075-189-249-051)