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First name of the author of the GNU Manifesto

Revision 2 as of 2012-03-09 20:57:12



1. Username: nevetski

Hi. My own wiki: http://wiki.calefaction.org/SteveKillen

2. Nomination acceptance statement

I accept nomination as a candidate for the 2012 HCoop board of directors election.

I joined HCoop in January 2010 with the simple intent of putting on some work pants, but life intervenes as it does, and I was content to make a small contribution to HCoop in the form of member dues. I'm better versed in its workings now, and I would view election to the board as a signal to take a greater hand in my own improvement as a sysadmin to better serve HCoop. I use Linux on all my machines, and have worked as a sysadmin in an AFS space before; these things are not new to me so much as fallen into relative disuse.

My interest for HCoop work is one of expanding the pool and quality of user-accessible software; instead of having many installations of WordPress, for instance, I would strive to create a system akin to the moin-moin-install script so that only one repository must be updated when security and feature enhancements come down the pipeline. I can do this as an ordinary member, but I have put less of a priority on the HCoop because I am also pursuing other life goals. To elect me would be to put me in a position of being depended upon to do real good for us. I'd not let that opportunity go to waste.