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Revision 1 as of 2007-10-28 00:50:43



This page explains the considerations that should be taken when writing pages in the HCoop wiki.



Here's a basic template to apply when making new pages and revising old ones.

Description of page.  I.e.: This page describes how to filter your email using
procmail and Exim.

## Every page should have a table of contents

Remaining content of page, split into logical sections.

Section numbers

The following text, when placed at the beginning of a page, turns off numbering of headings.

#pragma section-numbers off

This should be used:

Level of headings

If section numbers are turned off, then start with first-level headings.

If section numbers are left on, then start with second-level headings. The reason for this is that the numbers in front of first-level headings look ugly and distract from the content of the page.

Writing style

It would probably be best to use "you" (second-person) when writing the MemberManual.

The AdminManual (basically just a re-org of NewServerSetup) should be in third-person.