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This page is designed to give information for new HCoop treasurers to learn how to do their jobs. Also see Adam's mail about treasurer responsibilities.

Treasurer permissions which need to be given:

1. Paypal payments from members

When: soon after being notified by paypal of a payment.

2. Google Checkout payments from members

When: soon after being notified by google checkout of a payment.

3. Transfer paypal -> hcoop bank

When: whenever paypal balance gets high, usually every FIXME

Leave $50 or so in paypal to cover refunds issued.

4. Mothly tasks: Dues, balance reminders, freezing

4.1. Charge dues

When: Second to last day of every month (to get done before the cronjobs mailing reminders)

4.2. Check freezing / booting list

4.3. Manual low balance reminders

When: middle of each month

Subject: We're about to freeze your HCoop account...
Cc: HCoop Payment Reminder Robot <payment@hcoop.net>

...because your balance is too negative.  If you want to keep your
account, please make a payment here ASAP:

Details on how much we recommend paying should be found in the last
automated low balance reminder e-mail sent to you.  If you don't want
your account anymore, please don't stay silent; instead open a ticket
here, in the "Financial" category:

...and include instructions on what to do with your remaining funds
(donate to the co-op or refund via PayPal or Google Checkout).

5. New member

When: when you get the first payment from a new member.

6. Member leaving

When: when emailed from bugzilla