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In August of 2016, we had some discussions on IRC about the value of HCoop getting out of the hardware business and running our services on virtual machines from an infrastructure-as-a-service provider. JackHill offered to evaluate options from a cost perspective, and this page is a place to gather those considerations. There are, or course, other considerations in addition to cost, and those belong here too.

1. Cost

1.1. Current Needs

Our current needs based on the Hardware page:

Our current cost per month at Peer1 is $680.

1.2. auro.io

Auro is a Canadian OpenStack provider

The above would come to $514/month

1.3. Linode

block storage is $.10/G per month, we are using ~400G including dead volumes now so could start with 600G to avoid downtime for resizing volumes (or annoyance of vicepa, vicepb...)

80 + 5 + 40 + 40 + 20 + 60 + 10 = $255

outpost is $10 per month, could downgrade to $5 per month as well

The SSD block storage in NJ is at capacity as of 2017-01-25; it's currently only available in CA on hard drives, and still in beta. (Linode forum thread) Could put the AFS server on a larger instance, e.g. Linode 48 (0.75 TB) for $180 more, or use multiple file server instances.

The backup service is roughly $.10/GB/month.

Custom kernels supported

1.4. DigitalOcean


Total: 80 + 5 + 40 + 40 + 20 + 60 + 10 = $255

Custom kernels?

1.5. IBM Cloud/SoftLayer

Total: $696

1.6. Other VPS providers?