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AdminArea / ListOfVolunteers

The following members have offered their assistance with system administration or technical matters to the HCoop admin team:



Desired Position


Debian, GNU Guix, Lisp dialects, JS, functional programming languages, C, C++, C#, familiarity with many Internet standards and web technologies

system administrator, domtool contributor, web/wiki/portal work

John T. Settino

system layout planning, web technology, web programming (html/css/php/et al)

nothing "officially", as I'm not sure I would fully qualify, though I'm happy to help wherever. --JTS

Rob Gubler

Programmer (C, C++, Python, Bash, etc), Linux (configuration, routing, admin)

Leisure support in any way that is useful

Anish Jacob

Programmer (C, C++, Python, Objective-C etc.), Linux (configuration - sendmail, openstack, nfs etc.)

Leisure support in any way that is useful

dch (Dave Cottlehuber)

Programmer (Erlang, Shell), FreeBSD & Linux (configuration - openafs & aging kerberos, loves monitoring with collectd & riemann)

Happy to help

CategorySystemAdministration CategoryNeedsWork CategoryOutdated