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Last name of the author of the GNU Manifesto

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Current homepage: RobinTempleton

1. Board statement 2015

I have been a member of HCoop since 2005 and currently serve as Secretary; I also run Planet HCoop and have contributed to Domtool. My platform:

  1. Purchase and install a new server as soon as possible so that we can responsibly expand our membership.
  2. Expand membership through word-of-mouth recommendations and grassroots campaigns.
  3. Recruit system administration volunteers so that we can provide new services, like microblogging and MediaGoblin.

  4. Adopt a license policy to make our future software and documentation free (documentation is currently non-free).
  5. Adopt an EnvironmentalPolicy requiring that we offset the pollution we generate.

  6. Move our accounts to the National Cooperative Bank or a credit union.

2. 2011 Board Statement

I have been a member of HCoop since 2005; I wrote the Domtool Emacs mode, was involved in the 2009 migration project, started the hcoopstatus Identica group, and am redesigning the member portal. My platform:

3. 2010 Board Statement

I have been a member of HCoop since 2005; I wrote the Domtool Emacs mode, was involved in the 2009 migration project, started the hcoopstatus Identica group, and am redesigning the member portal. My platform: