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Revision 37 as of 2013-01-27 07:57:49

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I am Clinton Ebadi. I am the reluctant President of the coop (someone has to do it), and the current lead sysadmin / DomTool maintainer / lo-fi AdamChlipala replacement.

1. Board Statements

See /BoardStatements

2. General Coop Goals

Unstructured musing on when/what I think the coop ought to be.

3. Contact

4. Websites

5. Immediate Tasks

6. Admin Stuff

6.1. etc.

6.2. Website

(create Website bugzilla product and move these there)

6.2.1. Wiki

6.3. Terrible Things

Since we are having a roll call soon, we need to deal with these.

6.4. domtool plans

6.5. Major Sysadmin Tasks for 2013

7. Board Stuff

7.1. Roll Call


After an initial burst of acknowledgement, acknowledgements came to a stand still after only four days. We need to contact everyone by alternate means.

The board contacted everyone again. A few folks responded.

The following are excused:
