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The following 114 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
able   add   adding   Additionally   Administration   all   allow   also   and   any   at   Basic   be   bind   bind9   by   can   Category   changing   class   conf   Config   configuration   Contents   control   create   data   default   deposits   directory   Dom   domain   etc   files   Filesystem   for   from   glue   handled   hcoop   hosted   in   input   is   it   layout   listing   lives   ll   local   localhost   master   may   modify   must   named   nameserver   Nameserver   need   net   New   new   ns   Of   of   on   open   or   Otherwise   our   outpit   owned   package   periodically   Permissions   populates   port   Puppet   rdnc   re   records   referenced   registrar   resolving   seeded   servers   service   setup   slave   so   statuses   stock   stop   subdirectory   System   Table   that   the   their   This   to   Tool   update   user   using   values   We   we   When   with   You   zone   zonefiles   zones  

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DaemonAdmin / Bind

Basic setup of bind is handled by Puppet class hcoop::service::bind9

1. New Nameserver

When adding a new nameserver to hcoop.net, or changing the values of ns[12].hcoop.net update the glue records at our registrar. Otherwise, hcoop.net may stop resolving.

2. Config

We're using the stock Debian bind9 configuration. You'll need to open the domain input port, and allow outpit port 953 on localhost for rdnc to be able to control bind.

3. Filesystem layout

BIND data lives in /etc/bind. This directory is seeded with the default files from the Debian bind9 package. Additionally, we add a zones subdirectory.

DomTool periodically deposits /etc/bind/named.conf.local, listing all of our hosted DNS zones and their master/slave statuses and configuration. DomTool also populates /etc/bind/zones with zonefiles referenced by /etc/bind/named.conf.local on any master servers.

4. Permissions

/etc/bind/zones must be owned by user bind so that it can modify/create slave zone files.


DaemonAdmin/Bind (last edited 2018-10-21 16:58:23 by ClintonEbadi)