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The following 237 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
able   about   absolutely   accounts   accurate   actually   added   addrs   Admin   Administration   all   allow   also   although   an   and   apache   are   Assassin   atrocious   automatically   Automatically   Bayes   bayes   be   because   before   behavior   bring   but   by   calling   can   Category   causing   clear   clears   com   concern   concerned   correct   courier   create   cron   customize   data   database   databases   days   default   did   difficulty   directories   do   does   Dom   domain   each   email   entirely   equivalently   era   etc   example   exim   exim4   experience   expire   files   filling   filter   Filtering   filtering   flagging   Folder   folks   for   from   functioning   github   global   Ham   has   have   having   https   if   If   in   information   into   invert   is   it   It   johndoh   Junk   just   learn   legitimate   lib   like   limitation   ll   local   localhost   logs   looks   Low   made   mail   Mail   Maildirs   make   match   may   member   members   might   minor   modern   more   Move   moves   much   need   new   not   now   Nowadays   of   often   on   one   only   Opt   opt   or   order   org   our   Out   out   outdated   overblown   overdue   part   pass   Per   per   preferences   Preferences   prefs   priority   probably   problem   progress   query   Quirks   reasonable   relatively   replacement   result   Roughly   roundcube   router   ruin   runs   sauserprefs   scan   scripts   see   seems   semi   setsa   setup   should   simpler   site   Site   solved   something   spam   Spam   spamassassin   spamc   spool   stored   stores   straightforward   support   sure   switch   System   than   that   the   their   There   there   think   This   this   thought   to   tokens   Tool   train   training   txrep   update   updated   use   User   user   userforward   users   using   var   ve   vmail   want   was   We   we   were   when   which   wide   wiki   will   wishes   with   without   Work   work   works  

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DaemonAdmin / SpamAssassin

Administration of SpamAssassin

Work in progress, see SpamAssassinAdmin for (outdated, but semi-accurate) information on our site-wide spam filtering.

1. Quirks


There is much overdue work on our setup to bring it into the modern era. Roughly in order of difficulty.

2.1. Opt-Out Spam Filtering

We made spam filtering opt-in by default because when we added spam filtering spam was a relatively minor problem, and folks were more concerned with flagging legitimate mail, and causing members that did not train bayes to ruin the bayes database. Nowadays the email experience is absolutely atrocious without spam filtering, and I think the concern about bayes training is overblown (and can be solved entirely with per-user bayes).

We should invert the functioning of setsa in DomTool to only create /etc/spamassassin/addrs/ files when a member wishes to opt-out of spam filtering, and update the exim filter to match the new behavior.

2.2. Automatically Move Mail to Junk Folder

This one is actually MUCH simpler than I've thought... we just need an exim router that runs before userforward files do that moves mail to INBOX.Junk. We'll need to make sure members are OK with this.

We will also want to automatically expire mail from there, 30 days seems reasonable. It looks like we might be able to use courier's IMAP_EMPTYTRASH, although it has the limitation that it only clears mail when the member logs into IMAP, which may result in directories filling if a member does not use their mail often. A cron should be straightforward to (will need to query all vmail accounts for a member and clear Junk with the correct tokens).

2.3. Per User Bayes

We need to pass ${local_part}@${domain} (for vmail) or ${local_part}@localhost (for local users) to spamc when filtering.

This will also need a replacement for SiteSpam: probably something like INBOX.Spam, INBOX.Ham with the learn spam scripts updated to scan each all local and vmail Maildirs.

2.4. User Preferences

If want want to support user prefs to allow users to customize their spam preferences (using roundcube for example), we'd have to switch to SQL. Low priority.


DaemonAdmin/SpamAssassin (last edited 2020-08-09 20:56:19 by ClintonEbadi)