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The following 156 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
above   acl   additionally   already   also   and   archive   are   as   at   audience   Before   built   but   By   by   called   can   cd   change   changes   check   checkout   click   closing   comments   conf   config   Configuration   configuration   Ctrl   debugging   default   Desktop   different   directory   distribution   don   download   Download   easiest   edit   Edition   either   Especially   for   fresh   from   get   give   have   Help   http   if   If   in   information   Installation   installation   installed   Installing   instead   intended   interface   is   it   It   its   like   Linux   listens   lists   local   localhost   log   Logging   look   Mac   manager   manual   maybe   might   more   much   need   needs   now   of   often   On   on   only   opening   options   or   org   output   pages   personal   please   prefer   procedure   py   python   release   repository   rights   run   Running   sample   security   see   See   separate   server   Server   settings   software   some   standalone   Standalone   standard   systems   tar   terminate   that   the   there   this   to   toplevel   underlay   unpack   use   using   usually   want   way   what   why   wider   wiki   Wiki   wikiconfig   wikiserver   wikiserverconfig   wikiserverlogging   will   window   Windows   with   without   work   xf   You   you  

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MoinMoin DesktopEdition is the easiest way to run moin, without much installation and without separate server software (this is why its built-in server is also called the standalone server).

It is intended as a local personal information manager.

1. Installation

If you prefer to work with a repository checkout instead of a release archive, the procedure is like above, but you additionally have to unpack the underlay pages:

2. Running

3. Wiki Server Configuration

If you need to use a configuration different from the standard configuration you can edit the wikiserverconfig.py in the toplevel directory, see the comments there.

(!) By default, moin only listens on the localhost interface. Before opening it to a wider audience, please check if the security settings of moin are what you want. Especially the DesktopEdition and acl_rights_* settings might need changes if you don't use it for personal use and on localhost only.

4. Wiki Server Logging Configuration

See wikiserverlogging.conf.

(!) You maybe usually don't want to change that, but you can - e.g. if you like to have more log output for debugging.

5. Wiki Configuration

See the wikiconfig.py in the toplevel directory. HelpOnConfiguration lists the configuration options. You maybe also want to look at the sample config in the wiki/config/ directory.

See also: HelpOnInstalling/StandaloneServer