Size: 2786
Comment: Initial contents
← Revision 134 as of 2018-10-20 18:24:55 ⇥
Size: 3953
Comment: placing anything not meant to be served from considered dangerous
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#acl Known:read,write,revert,admin All:read | |
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This page contains a number of working examples of DomTool configuration. | This page contains a number of working examples of DomTool configuration. People are welcome to add their own working examples to this page if they like. |
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[[TableOfContents]] | <<TableOfContents>> |
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= MichaelOlson = Here is MichaelOlson's annotated DomTool configuration. |
= = Here is DavorOcelic's annotated DomTool configuration. |
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domain "" with (* DNS settings *) nameserver ""; nameserver ""; dnsDefault ""; dnsIP "www" ""; dnsIP "blog" ""; dnsIP "hariken" ""; (* my home computer *) dnsIP "mail" ""; dnsMail 10 ""; |
dom "" where Aliases = [""]; DocumentRoot = home "web/"; WWW = begin addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; |
Line 23: | Line 18: |
(* Default webspace *) vhost "www" where DocumentRoot = (home "public_html"); |
scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" ( home "web/cgi-bin/" ); scriptAlias "/sl" ( home "web/cgi-bin/sl" ); (* directoryIndex ["/sl/index"]; *) rewriteRule "^/$" "/sl/index" [redirectWith permanent]; alias "/debian" ( home "debian/repository" ); directory ( home "debian/repository" ) with options [ indexes ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; end end with dnsIP "secure" mire_ip; dnsIP "mail" deleuze_ip; dnsIP "rt" ""; web "techpubs" where DocumentRoot = home "web/"; |
Line 28: | Line 39: |
serverAliasDefault; | directoryIndex ["index.html"]; |
Line 30: | Line 41: |
(* Change to *) rewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "^www\.mwolson\.org$" [cond_nocase]; rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirectWith redir301,last]; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" (home "cgi-bin/"); rewriteRule "^/$" "" [last]; rewriteRule "^/blog/projects(.*)" "$1" [redirectWith redir301,last]; rewriteRule "^/blog([^.].*)" "$1" [redirectWith redir301,last]; rewriteRule "^/cs158" "" []; rewriteRule "^/favicon\.ico$" "" []; rewriteRule "^/static/albums/(.*)" "$1" []; |
directory ( home "web/" ) with options [ indexes, followSymLinks ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; (* addDescription "Hands-on Debian GNU Guide" ["debian.html"]; *) headerName "/HEADER.html"; readmeName "README"; indexOptions [descriptionWidth autofit, fancyIndexing, foldersFirst, nameWidth autofit, scanHtmlTitles , suppressHtmlPreamble, trackModified, versionSort, suppressRules, suppressIcon]; indexIgnore [".htaccess", "*.bak", "*~"]; end; |
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(* Example of serving page to deleuze, should we ever decide to *) (* allow that *) (* vhost "git" where *) (* WebNodes = ["deleuze"]; *) (* with ... *) (* end; *) (* Blog *) vhost "blog" where DocumentRoot = (home "public_html/blog"); with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; alias "/favicon.ico" (home "public_html/static/logos/favicon.ico"); alias "/comments.js" (home "public_html/comments.js"); rewriteRule "^/projects(.*)" "$1" []; scriptAlias "/" (home "cgi-bin/pyblosxom/pyblosxom.cgi/"); |
web "secure" with rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirect] |
Line 67: | Line 60: |
(* DAV access *) vhost "dav" with rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirect]; end; vhost "dav" where DocumentRoot = (home "dav"); SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem"; |
web "secure" where DocumentRoot = home "web/"; SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem" |
Line 78: | Line 66: |
location "/" with davFilesystem; |
scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" ( home "web/cgi-bin/" ); scriptAlias "/sl" ( home "web/cgi-bin/sl" ); (* directoryIndex ["/sl/index"]; *) rewriteRule "^/$" "/sl/index" [redirectWith permanent]; alias "/debian" ( home "debian/repository" ); directory ( home "debian/repository" ) with options [ indexes ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; |
Line 82: | Line 78: |
(* email *) handleMail; emailAlias "me" "mwolson"; emailAlias "me.purdue" "mwolson"; emailAlias "me.vending" "mwolson"; emailAlias "mwolson" "mwolson"; emailAlias "hostmaster" "mwolson"; emailAlias "news" "mwolson"; emailAlias "webmaster" "mwolson"; |
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= = Here's RyanMikulovsky's very simple example: {{{ dom "" where DefaultAlias = false; (* avoids * e-mail alias *) DocumentRoot = home "websites/" with emailAlias "ryan" ""; (* the only e-mail address I want *) wordPress "geology" where (* sets up proper rewrite rules etc. *) DocumentRoot = home "websites/geo/wordpress/" end; web "biblio" where DocumentRoot = home "websites/"; with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; (* probably not necessary... *) end; web "chemistry" where DocumentRoot = home "websites/chemistry"; with end; web "gallery" where (* for Gallery PHP software *) DocumentRoot = home "websites/gallery"; with end; end; }}} = = This is DaniilFrumin's simple website featuring a bunch of html files generated by a static site generator Hakyll, and a DarcsWeb instance {{{ dom "" where WWW = begin options [indexes]; set_indexOptions [fancyIndexing]; readmeName "README"; end; with web "repos" where DocumentRoot = home "www/"; with scriptAlias "/browse" (home "darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi"); rewriteRule "^/$" "/browse" [redirectWith permanent]; end; simpleWeb "darcs" "websites/stuff/darcs/"; emailAlias "dan" "<REDACTED>" end; }}} ---- CategoryMemberManual CategoryNeedsWork |
This page contains a number of working examples of DomTool configuration. People are welcome to add their own working examples to this page if they like.
Here is DavorOcelic's annotated DomTool configuration.
dom "" where Aliases = [""]; DocumentRoot = home "web/"; WWW = begin addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" ( home "web/cgi-bin/" ); scriptAlias "/sl" ( home "web/cgi-bin/sl" ); (* directoryIndex ["/sl/index"]; *) rewriteRule "^/$" "/sl/index" [redirectWith permanent]; alias "/debian" ( home "debian/repository" ); directory ( home "debian/repository" ) with options [ indexes ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; end end with dnsIP "secure" mire_ip; dnsIP "mail" deleuze_ip; dnsIP "rt" ""; web "techpubs" where DocumentRoot = home "web/"; with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; directoryIndex ["index.html"]; directory ( home "web/" ) with options [ indexes, followSymLinks ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; (* addDescription "Hands-on Debian GNU Guide" ["debian.html"]; *) headerName "/HEADER.html"; readmeName "README"; indexOptions [descriptionWidth autofit, fancyIndexing, foldersFirst, nameWidth autofit, scanHtmlTitles , suppressHtmlPreamble, trackModified, versionSort, suppressRules, suppressIcon]; indexIgnore [".htaccess", "*.bak", "*~"]; end; end; web "secure" with rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirect] end; web "secure" where DocumentRoot = home "web/"; SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem" with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" ( home "web/cgi-bin/" ); scriptAlias "/sl" ( home "web/cgi-bin/sl" ); (* directoryIndex ["/sl/index"]; *) rewriteRule "^/$" "/sl/index" [redirectWith permanent]; alias "/debian" ( home "debian/repository" ); directory ( home "debian/repository" ) with options [ indexes ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; end; end; end;
Here's RyanMikulovsky's very simple example:
dom "" where DefaultAlias = false; (* avoids * e-mail alias *) DocumentRoot = home "websites/" with emailAlias "ryan" ""; (* the only e-mail address I want *) wordPress "geology" where (* sets up proper rewrite rules etc. *) DocumentRoot = home "websites/geo/wordpress/" end; web "biblio" where DocumentRoot = home "websites/"; with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; (* probably not necessary... *) end; web "chemistry" where DocumentRoot = home "websites/chemistry"; with end; web "gallery" where (* for Gallery PHP software *) DocumentRoot = home "websites/gallery"; with end; end;
This is DaniilFrumin's simple website featuring a bunch of html files generated by a static site generator Hakyll, and a DarcsWeb instance
dom "" where WWW = begin options [indexes]; set_indexOptions [fancyIndexing]; readmeName "README"; end; with web "repos" where DocumentRoot = home "www/"; with scriptAlias "/browse" (home "darcsweb/darcsweb.cgi"); rewriteRule "^/$" "/browse" [redirectWith permanent]; end; simpleWeb "darcs" "websites/stuff/darcs/"; emailAlias "dan" "<REDACTED>" end;