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= = Here is MichaelOlson's annotated DomTool configuration. {{{ domain "" with (* DNS settings *) nameserver ""; nameserver ""; dnsDefault ""; dnsIP "mail" ""; dnsMail 10 ""; (* email *) handleMail; emailAlias "me" "mwolson"; emailAlias "me.purdue" "mwolson"; emailAlias "me.vending" "mwolson"; emailAlias "mwolson" "mwolson"; emailAlias "hostmaster" "mwolson"; emailAlias "news" "mwolson"; emailAlias "webmaster" "mwolson"; (* Default webspace *) web "www" where DocumentRoot = (home "public_html"); with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; serverAliasDefault; (* Change to *) rewriteCond "%{HTTP_HOST}" "^www\.mwolson\.org$" [cond_nocase]; rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirectWith redir301,last]; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" (home "cgi-bin/"); rewriteRule "^/$" "" [last]; rewriteRule "^/blog/projects(.*)" "$1" [redirectWith redir301,last]; rewriteRule "^/blog([^.].*)" "$1" [redirectWith redir301,last]; rewriteRule "^/cs158" "" []; rewriteRule "^/favicon\.ico$" "" []; rewriteRule "^/static/albums/(.*)" "$1" []; end; (* Blog *) web "blog" where DocumentRoot = (home "public_html/blog"); with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; alias "/favicon.ico" (home "public_html/static/logos/favicon.ico"); alias "/comments.js" (home "public_html/comments.js"); rewriteRule "^/projects(.*)" "$1" []; scriptAlias "/" (home "cgi-bin/pyblosxom/pyblosxom.cgi/"); end; (* DAV access *) webAtIp "" "dav" with rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirect]; end; (* Note: this contains the IP address that I registered for via *) (* the portal. You'll get errors if you try to use it. *) webAtIp "" "dav" where DocumentRoot = (home "dav"); SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/user/"; with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; location "/" with davFilesystem; end; end; end; domain "" with (* Permit email delivery for my computer *) nameserver ""; nameserver ""; dnsDefault ""; dnsMail 10 ""; handleMail; emailAlias "mwolson" "mwolson"; emailAlias "news" "mwolson"; emailAlias "root" "mwolson"; end; }}} |
This page contains a number of working examples of DomTool configuration. People are welcome to add their own working examples to this page if they like.
Here is DavorOcelic's annotated DomTool configuration.
dom "" where Aliases = [""]; DocumentRoot = home "web/"; WWW = begin addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" ( home "web/cgi-bin/" ); scriptAlias "/sl" ( home "web/cgi-bin/sl" ); (* directoryIndex ["/sl/index"]; *) rewriteRule "^/$" "/sl/index" [redirectWith permanent]; alias "/debian" ( home "debian/repository" ); directory ( home "debian/repository" ) with options [ indexes ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; end end with dnsIP "secure" mire_ip; dnsIP "mail" deleuze_ip; dnsIP "rt" ""; web "techpubs" where DocumentRoot = home "web/"; with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; directoryIndex ["index.html"]; directory ( home "web/" ) with options [ indexes, followSymLinks ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; (* addDescription "Hands-on Debian GNU Guide" ["debian.html"]; *) headerName "/HEADER.html"; readmeName "README"; indexOptions [descriptionWidth autofit, fancyIndexing, foldersFirst, nameWidth autofit, scanHtmlTitles , suppressHtmlPreamble, trackModified, versionSort, suppressRules, suppressIcon]; indexIgnore [".htaccess", "*.bak", "*~"]; end; end; web "secure" with rewriteRule "^(.*)$" "$1" [redirect] end; web "secure" where DocumentRoot = home "web/"; SSL = use_cert "/etc/apache2/ssl/apache.pem" with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; scriptAlias "/cgi-bin/" ( home "web/cgi-bin/" ); scriptAlias "/sl" ( home "web/cgi-bin/sl" ); (* directoryIndex ["/sl/index"]; *) rewriteRule "^/$" "/sl/index" [redirectWith permanent]; alias "/debian" ( home "debian/repository" ); directory ( home "debian/repository" ) with options [ indexes ]; orderAllowDeny; allowFromAll; end; end; end;
Here's RyanMikulovsky's very simple example:
dom "" where DefaultAlias = false; (* avoids * e-mail alias *) DocumentRoot = home "public_html/" with emailAlias "ryan" ""; (* the only e-mail address I want *) wordPress "geology" where (* sets up proper rewrite rules etc. *) DocumentRoot = home "public_html/geo/wordpress/" end; web "biblio" where DocumentRoot = home "public_html/"; with addDefaultCharset "utf-8"; (* probably not necessary... *) end; web "chemistry" where DocumentRoot = home "public_html/chemistry"; with end; web "gallery" where (* for Gallery PHP software *) DocumentRoot = home "public_html/gallery"; with end; end;