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Diff for "DomTool"

Differences between revisions 1 and 18 (spanning 17 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2006-12-09 00:46:19
Size: 389
Editor: AdamChlipala
Revision 18 as of 2009-04-09 18:43:41
Size: 1846
Editor: AdamChlipala
Comment: LearningTheDetails
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= Contents = <<TableOfContents>>
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 * DomTool/SslProcedures: How to set up the various certificates used by the domtool clients and server = For everyone =

 * '''[[DomTool/UserGuide|User Guide]]''': An introduction to configuring shared daemons at HCoop.
 * '''[[DomTool/Examples| Working Examples]]''': A smorgasbord of example configuration snippets.
 * [[DomTool/LanguageReference|Language Reference]]: A complete description of the programming language used for configuration files.
 * [[http://hcoop.net/domtool/|Standard Library Reference]], including all of the primitive actions for configuring shared daemons.
 * [[DomTool/LearningTheDetails|About learning the Domtool language]]

= For admins (and the curious) =

 * DomTool/AdminProcedures: The daily care and feeding of DomTool.
 * DomTool/ArchitectureOverview: How does this beast work, anyway?
 * [[DomTool/Plugins]]: Descriptions of the different plugins responsible for configuring various daemons, including how they publish their configuration for those daemons to use.
 * DomTool/AdditionalClients: Several other command-line tools mentioned elsewhere on this wiki are really DomTool clients. This page collects notes on their implementations.
 * DomTool/SslProcedures: How to set up the various certificates used by the domtool clients and servers.
 * [[DomTool/Building]]: Obtaining and building the DomTool source.
 * [[DomTool/Implementation]]: Details on the implementation of the DomTool tools.
 * [[DomTool/Debugging]]: Some tricks to do manually what DomTool usually does automatically.
 * [[DomTool/Installation]]: The steps to deploy DomTool on a new HCoop system

This is the master page for information on HCoop's distributed system configuration tool.

For everyone

For admins (and the curious)

Old pages

DomTool (last edited 2019-04-27 23:35:57 by ClintonEbadi)