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(The following content was moved from the old Abulafia wiki node BoardOfDirectorsElection for reference purposes).

VOTING IS NOW CLOSED. DO NOT EDIT THIS PAGE. The first board of directors of HCOOP, INC. consists of Adam Chlipala (27 votes), Nathan Kennedy (23 votes), and Davor Ocelic (14 votes).

This page is for the election of the first Board of Directors of HCOOP, Inc.

Nomination of candidates and candidate statements shall occur simultaneously with voting on the Bylaws at BylawsVote.

Please list candidates to nominate below. You may nominate yourself. Please list candidate names alphabetically by last name.

Nominations may continue until April 3, 2005, 11:59 PM UTC.

1. Nominations

  1. LukeChao. Nominated by LukeChao.

  2. AdamChlipala. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  3. ClintonEbadi. Nominated by DavidBettis.

  4. RobGubler. Nominated by RobGubler.

  5. BrianHolmes. Nominated by BrianHolmes

  6. NathanKennedy. Nominated by AdamChlipala.

  7. DavorOcelic. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  8. JasonSmathers. Nominated by JasonSmathers.

2. Candidate Statements

Nominees who accept their nominations may place a candidate statement here, and/or a link to such a statement elsewhere.

  1. LukeChao. Among Hcoop members, I'm not at all special for being a Linux geek, or even for being one of the people who helped to make Abulafia happen in the first place. So, I'll state that if you vote for me, I will press to require new applicants to write an analytical essay on Garrett Hardin's paper "The Tragedy of the Commons." Without checks, rapid expansion could cause catastrophe. That's my platform. LukeChao for 2005!

  2. AdamChlipala. Hello. I put together most of what you see here and do most of the day-to-day management. I reckon I can keep doing that pretty well.

  3. RobGubler. Level headed; will make unbiased decisions. More people should be running for the board...

  4. BrianHolmes. I have an interest in seeing this group grow and develop into a well respected organization. I will always be sure that the decisions I make are well informed and fulfill the needs of HCoop's members. Please view my full statement on my page at BrianHolmes.

  5. NathanKennedy. Since joining in January, I have been active in discussion and support on the list and in #hcoop. I have moved forward the incorporation proceedings, wrote most of the ArticlesOfIncorporation, successfully handled the paperwork for incorporating in Pennsylvania, and have been helping to craft bylaws. If elected I would continue to get tough tasks done and maintain a strong leadership to grow the membership and move the cooperative forward.

  6. DavorOcelic. Please see my statement on my DavorOcelic user page. Thank you.

  7. JasonSmathers. I have included a detailed statement on my JasonSmathers page. You will see my experience with non profit corporations, corporate procedures, and interaction with the IRS on behalf of non profit corporations. Additionally I have the technical knowledge to help Hcoop, Inc. grow in a smart way.

3. Votes

Nominees who accept their nominations should place their names on this list. When voting begins, every member may place their vote under up to three candidates. Nominees may vote for themselves. Voting will be open for a week after bylaws are approved.

Voting begins on April 4, 2005, 00:00 (midnight) UTC, and closes one week later on April 10, 11:59 PM UTC. During this time, you may list your name underneath up to three candidates.
