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Nominations are now CLOSED. Please do not edit this page unless you are already a candidate listed below. You may now vote in the election at https://members.hcoop.net/portal/poll?vote=9.

This page is for the election of the third Board of Directors of HCoop, Inc. Nominations shall be done in our usual wiki style. Voting shall be done through the HCoop portal. You may see last year's election results at Election2006 or summarized on the BoardOfDirectors website.

This election is governed by articles 3 and 4 of our HcoopBylaws. All current members in good standing may vote for three candidates to replace the outgoing board, whose term expires on April 11, 2007.

Please list candidates to nominate below. You may nominate any current HCoop members, including yourself. Please list candidate names alphabetically by last name, and list your own name as the nominator.

Nominations may continue until March 31, 2007, 11:59 PM UTC. Voting on all candidates who have accepted their nominations shall begin on April 4, 2007 at midnight UTC and continue for one week through April 11, 2007 at midnight UTC.

1. Nominations

  1. AdamChlipala. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  2. DavorOcelic. Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  3. NathanKennedy. Nominated by AdamChlipala.

  4. JustinLeitgeb. Nominated by DmitriyMorozov.

2. Candidate Acceptances

Nominees who accept their nominations must place their name here, along with any statement or links that they wish to make.

  1. AdamChlipala. I started HCoop, and I'm the current president and treasurer. I develop the custom software that keeps HCoop running, including DomTool and the portal. I also get to be the one all the volunteers hate, because I have to poke them when they go radio silent and we're not sure if they're still handling their jobs! My platform is simple: set up technical and social infrastructure to make HCoop sustainable. It's easy for members looking in from the outside to imagine that it's important for a candidate to have a laundry list of "great ideas," assuming that HCoop is ready to expand from its current stable base. In actuality, HCoop runs now because I take on almost all of the work, including things that no one finds fun and wants to do. Because I'll soon be leaving behind the world of studenthood, it's no longer feasible to assume that I'll be doing all of the heavy lifting. Finding sustainable ways of spreading the work evenly is the most important activity for the co-op, or it won't be surviving much longer. "Environmental policy" is hardly relevant in comparison. I'm sure that almost any single member could make small changes in his daily life and have a bigger positive environmental impact than the whole co-op could ever have while still providing the level of service that our members expect.

    Put another way: HCoop is not stable today! It looks like everything is holding up fine because I have sacrificed and continue to sacrifice so much of my time and money to keep things running. Solving this problem is much more critical than anything related to social movements or the environment, because a dead HCoop can do nothing to further those causes a year from now. I'm working on directing various solutions to these problems now. As far as I know, no one else has ever initiated any efforts to solve any of the problems I'm describing, despite what I hope is an open environment where everyone is encouraged to chip in on our mailing lists. In contrast, I've initiated every hardware and software architecture upgrade that HCoop has gone through so far and drafted every set of guidelines for distribution of responsibilities, along with writing all of the software to make these distributions possible. If this isn't the right kind of "vision" to be thinking about in this election, then I don't know what is.

  2. DavorOcelic. I am a current Board of Directors member. For my platform and an overview of my plans for HCoop in the following year, see my Wiki page DavorOcelic.

  3. JustinLeitgeb. I have been an HCoop member since 2005 and I helped out with the process of deciding on a new colocation site for our servers (i.e., the current project at Peer 1). For the platform that I am running on, see the wiki page JustinLeitgeb.

  4. NathanKennedy. I am currently a board member and secretary of HCoop. I've taken care of most of the legal side of HCoop, incorporating it as a nonprofit as well as successfully obtaining recognition from the IRS for HCoop as a tax-exempt cooperative. I have also dealt with Peer1 and handled the physical installation at the Peer1 site. My goals for 2007 include ensuring a smooth transition to our Peer1 site, planning for future growth, and ensuring that the future of HCoop is secure as a cooperative organization. Beyond the transition to our new architecture at Peer1, this includes developing a robust backup and disaster recovery protocol, developing an environmental policy, expanding the board from three to five seats over the next year, and at some point setting a target for hiring staff.


Election2007 (last edited 2012-12-20 03:03:56 by RobinTempleton)