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The following 146 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
accept   Acceptance   Acceptances   accepted   Adam   Alexander   all   All   along   alphabetically   and   any   April   are   articles   as   at   be   begin   below   Björn   board   Board   boardmembers   by   Bylaws   Bynum   Candidate   candidate   candidates   Category   Chlipala   class   classes   click   Clinton   closed   continue   Coop   current   currently   Davor   Directors   do   done   Ebadi   edit   election   Election   Election2008   Except   expires   fifth   for   Frank   good   governed   have   Hcoop   here   in   Inc   including   is   Justin   Kennedy   last   Leitgeb   Lindström   link   links   list   make   March   may   members   midnight   must   my   name   names   Nathan   nominate   Nominated   nominations   Nominations   nominator   Nominees   not   occupied   Ocelic   Of   of   on   one   or   our   outgoing   own   page   place   Please   portal   read   remaining   replace   results   seats   see   See   shall   standing   statement   statements   style   summarized   terms   that   the   their   These   they   This   this   three   through   to   until   user   username   usual   vote   Voting   website   week   who   whose   wiki   will   wish   with   year   You   your   yourself   Zach  

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Nominations have closed and the election will begin on April 4, 2009 on the portal. Please do not edit this page! (Except for candidate statements.)

This page is for the election of the fifth Board of Directors of HCoop, Inc. Nominations shall be done in our usual wiki style. Voting shall be done through the HCoop portal. You may see last year's election results at Election2008 or summarized on the BoardOfDirectors website.

This election is governed by articles 3 and 4 of our HcoopBylaws. All current members in good standing may vote for three candidates to replace the three outgoing boardmembers in classes 2 and 3, whose terms expires on April 11, 2009. These seats are currently occupied by Davor Ocelic, Justin Leitgeb, and Björn Lindström. Adam Chlipala and Nathan Kennedy, in board class 1, have one year remaining on their terms.

Please list candidates to nominate below. You may nominate any current HCoop members, including yourself. Please list candidate names alphabetically by last name, and list your own name as the nominator.

Nominations may continue until March 31, 2009, 11:59 PM UTC. Voting on all candidates who have accepted their nominations shall begin on April 4, 2009 at midnight UTC and continue for one week through April 11, 2009 at midnight UTC.

1. Nominations

  1. ZachAlexander, Nominated by NathanKennedy.

  2. FrankBynum, Nominated by AdamChlipala.

  3. ClintonEbadi, Nominated by AdamChlipala.

  4. JustinLeitgeb, Nominated by FrankBynum.

  5. DavorOcelic, Nominated by NathanKennedy.

2. Candidate Acceptances

Nominees who accept their nominations must place their name here, along with any statement or links that they wish to make.

  1. DavorOcelic. Please read my statement on my user page (click the link on the username)

  2. FrankBynum. Acceptance statement on my user page.

  3. ClintonEbadi. See my user page.

  4. ZachAlexander. Please read my statement on my user page.


Election2009 (last edited 2012-12-20 03:04:21 by RobinTempleton)