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The following 104 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
abused   action   actions   Actions   adding   administrator   all   an   and   are   arrive   at   Attach   attached   attachments   Attachments   attacks   be   by   can   configuration   copy   could   data   Denial   deprecated   direct   directory   disabled   do   Do   enables   example   excluded   ext   file   File   filename   files   finally   for   get   handled   have   Help   How   http   If   in   into   is   it   like   location   long   Ls   make   may   method   multiple   mywiki   need   now   of   On   only   org   page   Page   pagename   pages   paths   please   privately   removed   retrieved   right   Service   serving   Since   since   Some   stored   sure   target   that   The   the   there   they   This   to   until   uploads   used   using   usually   via   was   wiki   wikiconfig   with   you   your  

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HelpOnConfiguration / FileAttachments

The AttachFile action enables a page to have multiple attached files. Since file uploads could be abused for DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, AttachFile is an action that may be disabled by the wiki administrator (by adding actions_excluded = ['AttachFile'] to wikiconfig).

This is all you usually need to do for configuration.

1. How attachments are handled

Attachments are stored "privately" in the data/pages/ directory (with paths like data/pages/<pagename>/attachments/<filename>) and can only be retrieved by using the AttachFile action (via URLs like http://example.org/mywiki/<SomePage>?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=filename.ext).

/!\ The direct serving method (deprecated since long) was finally removed in moin 1.7.0. If you have used it until now (attachments = {...}), please copy your attachments into your data directory (and make sure they arrive at the right location there).