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The following 227 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
about   action   address   adjust   advised   again   all   allow   already   also   amount   an   and   are   around   as   at   Attach   bad   be   because   behind   beyond   Big   big   bit   bot   bots   built   But   by   can   case   cause   caused   china   come   company   configurable   Configuration   configured   content   continue   count   counts   cpu   css   default   diff   disable   Disabling   disk   do   doing   don   done   down   drink   dt   easily   edit   engine   Especially   Even   everybody   expected   fast   File   firewall   firing   for   forwarded   from   fullsearch   get   gets   go   goes   good   got   guys   hammering   happen   has   have   header   high   Hints   if   If   ignore   in   indexing   instead   internet   interval   intranet   is   it   It   its   just   later   leech   legitimate   less   like   limit   limits   load   lock   locked   lockout   logged   logging   looking   lots   make   makes   many   max   message   might   minute   mirroring   name   nasty   needs   network   nevertheless   no   None   not   of   on   or   out   output   pages   pause   people   per   problem   problems   process   protection   Protection   proxy   put   quite   raw   rc   read   real   really   request   requests   rss   search   secs   see   server   should   show   single   slow   so   some   something   sometimes   spam   spammers   start   stop   stuff   Surge   surge   tells   that   the   These   they   think   thinking   This   this   those   time   to   too   tool   tracks   traffic   trash   triggers   trouble   trying   unusable   up   use   useless   user   users   uses   usual   values   vandals   want   warn   warning   warnings   water   we   What   what   when   while   wiki   wikiconfig   will   with   without   won   work   you   You   your  

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HelpOnConfiguration / SurgeProtection

1. Surge Protection

Especially on an internet wiki sometimes the cpu and disk load gets quite high because the wiki has to process many requests. A high load makes the wiki slow or unusable for its legitimate users.

This is caused by:

1.1. What can we do?

MoinMoin tracks requests by user name (if logged in) or IP address (if not logged in).

If the request count goes beyond some configured limit in some configured time interval, it will start to warn you (you will see a surge protection warning message instead of the expected wiki output). If you see this warning, just read it and do what it tells.

You should stop doing those requests for a minute in that case (just read the stuff you already got, drink some water, ...). You will have no problems if you continue a while later (just slow down a bit, so you won't go beyond the limit again).

If you don't pause and ignore the warnings and the requests don't stop hammering the wiki server, the wiki will think you are doing something nasty and will lock you out for some configurable amount of time.

1.2. Configuration

Configuration is done as usual: in your wikiconfig. These are the built-in default values:

    surge_action_limits = { # allow max. <count> <action> requests per <dt> secs
        # action: (count, dt)
        'show': (20, 60),
        'raw': (20, 40),  # some people use this for css
        'AttachFile': (60, 60),
        'diff': (30, 60),
        'fullsearch': (5, 60),
        'edit': (10, 120),
        'rss_rc': (1, 60),
        'default': (30, 60),
    surge_lockout_time = 3600 # secs you get locked out when you ignore warnings

1.3. Hints

1.3.1. Big proxy or firewall

If you happen to be behind a big proxy or firewall (china? big company network?) you might get trouble with surge protection because all requests come from a single IP address, looking like a really nasty user or bot.

But you can easily work around that by just logging in, so it really counts your requests (it uses your name in that case to count requests, not your proxy/firewall IP).

You will also have no problem, if your proxy uses the 'x-forwarded-for' header with your real IP.

1.3.2. Disabling surge protection

(!) It is not advised to do that. If it triggers too fast, adjust the limits to your needs. Even in an intranet wiki, it is no good if a single user can make the wiki unusable for everybody by firing up some leech tool at it.

If you want to do it nevertheless:

    surge_action_limits = None # disable surge protection