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The following 63 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
above   as   at   be   because   bottom   content   contents   convenience   Creating   Dia   do   Don   enumerate   fill   For   forget   frame   Get   headline   headlines   If   in   is   it   lower   mode   Navigation   not   numbers   of   off   on   only   or   page   pragma   Put   section   see   Show   siblings   Slide   slides   some   stuff   Template   Text   the   there   title   to   top   upper   use   valuable   visible   want   whole   wiki   won   you   your  

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HelpOnSlideShows / 100 Creating the slides

Creating the slides

Put a headline on top of your page (as you see above) because in DiaShow mode, the wiki page title won't be visible (as the whole wiki frame stuff won't be visible, only the page contents).

If you do not want to enumerate your headlines, use #pragma section-numbers off at top of your page.

(!) Don't forget to fill in some valuable content.

For your convenience, there is a SlideTemplate - use it.

Put <<Navigation(slides)>> (upper) or <<Navigation(siblings)>> (lower) at bottom of your page: