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The following 124 words could not be found in the dictionary of 7 words (including 7 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:
access   Adapter   advice   an   ancient   and   any   applet   are   as   at   attachment   behind   browser   cable   can   cannot   card   click   com   compatible   Control   control   corporate   do   en   feature   filters   Firefox   firewalls   from   functionality   go   hand   has   hcoop   hopper   Hopper   How   html   http   https   ibm   in   independently   Information   installing   interface   is   it   java   jpeg   keyboard   Keyboard   kind   left   log   Make   many   megacz   mouse   net   network   No   not   of   Off   off   on   On   open   org   our   packets   password   power   Power   pretty   processor   Processor   proprietary   protocol   recommend   Remote   remote   Restart   root   rsa   same   Service   service   side   so   sp   strongly   Supervisor   sure   that   The   the   Then   this   thoughts   through   to   To   Ts   units   use   user   username   uses   using   very   Video   web   wiki   Wikipedia   wikipedia   will   without   www   You   you  

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Hopper has an IBM service processor card. You can access it at


The username is "root".

Service Processor Information at Wikipedia

How to use the RSA remote control without a browser



1. Remote Power On/Off

You can use hopper's service processor to power it on and off. To do so, go to http://hopper-sp.hcoop.net/, log in as user "root" (same password as hopper's root password). Then click "Power/Restart" on the left hand side.

2. Remote Keyboard/Video

You cannot use this feature from behind any kind of NAT

You can use hopper's service processor control the keyboard and mouse, independently of our KVM units. To do so, go to http://hopper-sp.hcoop.net/, log in as user "root" (same password as hopper's root password), and click "Remote Control". A java applet will open. I strongly recommend using Firefox; the web interface is pretty ancient and not very browser-compatible.

IMPORTANT: the service processor's remote control functionality uses a proprietary UDP protocol. Make sure you are not on a network that filters UDP packets (many NATs and corporate firewalls do this).

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_Remote_Supervisor_Adapter#No_Video_through_NAT

* http://www.megacz.com/thoughts/advice/ibm.rsa.html

HopperServiceProcessor (last edited 2010-12-17 06:50:32 by ClintonEbadi)